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The following functions are defined in the bxl file: prelude//bxl:lazy.bxl. You can import them in your bxl file by using load("@prelude//bxl:lazy.bxl", "function_name")

Utils functions for working with bxl.Lazy objects.


def batch_apply_lazy(
bxl_ctx: bxl.Context,
lazy_func: typing.Callable[[typing.Any], bxl.Lazy],
args: list,
) -> list

Applies a lazy function to a list of arguments, resolves them in parallel, and returns raw results. It will cause bxl fail immediately if any operation fails (no error catching).


  • bxl_ctx (bxl.Context): The BXL context object.

  • lazy_func (typing.Callable[[Any], bxl.Lazy]): A function that takes a single argument and returns a bxl.Lazy (e.g., ctx.lazy.analysis, ctx.lazy.configured_target_node, or any other functon/lambda you defined).

  • args (list[typing.Any]): List of arguments to apply to lazy_func.

  • A list of resolved values. If any operation fails, the bxl script will fail.


def _impl(ctx):
targets = [

# Resolve to all configured target nodes without error catching
nodes = batch_apply_lazy(ctx, ctx.lazy.configured_target_node, targets)
ctx.output.print(f"All configured target nodes: {nodes}")


def batch_apply_lazy_catch_all(
bxl_ctx: bxl.Context,
lazy_func: typing.Callable[[typing.Any], bxl.Lazy],
args: list,
) -> bxl.Result

Applies a lazy function to a list of arguments, joins them into a single batch operation, and resolves with a global error catch. Returns either all successes or the first error encountered.


  • bxl_ctx (bxl.Context): The BXL context object.

  • lazy_func (typing.Callable[[typing.Any], bxl.Lazy]): A function that returns a bxl.Lazy (e.g., ctx.lazy.analysis, ctx.lazy.configured_target_node, or any other functon/lambda you defined)..

  • args (list[typing.Any]): List of arguments to apply to lazy_func.

  • bxl.Result:

    • Ok(list): If all operations succeed, returns the list of resolved values.
    • Err(error): If any operation fails, returns the first error encountered.


def _impl(ctx):
targets = [

# Resolve as a single batch with global error handling
batch_result = batch_apply_lazy_catch_all(ctx, ctx.lazy.configured_target_node, targets)

if batch_result.is_ok():
res = batch_result.unwrap()
ctx.output.print(f"All succeeded: {len(res)}")
error = batch_result.unwrap_err()
ctx.output.print(f"Batch failed: {error}")


def batch_apply_lazy_catch_each(
bxl_ctx: bxl.Context,
lazy_func: typing.Callable[[typing.Any], bxl.Lazy],
args: list,
) -> list[bxl.Result]

Applies a lazy function to a list of arguments, resolves them in parallel, and returns individual Result objects for each operation. Errors are isolated per item.


  • bxl_ctx (bxl.Context): The BXL context object.

  • lazy_func (typing.Callable[[typing.Any], bxl.Lazy]): A function that returns a bxl.Lazy (e.g., ctx.lazy.analysis, ctx.lazy.configured_target_node, or any other functon/lambda you defined)..

  • args (list[typing.Any]): List of arguments to apply to lazy_func.

  • list[bxl.Result]: A list of Result objects in the same order as args. Each Result can be Ok(value) or Err(error).


def _impl(ctx):
targets = [

# Resolve analyses with per-item error handling
results = batch_apply_lazy_catch_each(ctx, ctx.lazy.configured_target_node, targets)

for target, res in zip(targets, results):
if res.is_ok():
node = res.unwrap()
ctx.output.print(f"Get configured target node for {target} SUCCESS: {node}")
error = res.unwrap_err()
ctx.output.print(f"Get configured target node for {target} FAILED: {error}")


def catch_resolve_lazy_dict(
bxl_ctx: bxl.Context,
lazy_dict: dict[typing.Any, bxl.Lazy],
) -> dict[typing.Any, bxl.Result]

Resolves a dictionary of bxl.Lazy operations in parallel while capturing errors.


  • bxl_ctx: BXL context
  • lazy_dict: Dictionary to resolve, where values must be bxl.Lazy instances

A new dictionary preserving original keys, with values as bxl.Result objects.


def _impl(ctx):
lazy_dict = {
"app": ctx.lazy.configured_targets("cell//:app"),
"lib": ctx.lazy.configured_targets("cell//:lib")

# Batch resolve and process
results = catch_resolve_lazy_dict(ctx, lazy_dict)
for name, res in results.items():
if res.is_ok():
ctx.output.print(f"{name}: {res.unwrap()}")
ctx.output.print(f"{name} failed: {res.unwrap_err()}")


def partition_results(results: list[bxl.Result]) -> (list, list[bxl.Error])

Splits Results into successful values and errors.


  • results: List of bxl.Result objects

A tuple of two lists: (successes, errors)


successes, errors = partition_results(results)
ctx.output.print(f"Successes: {len(successes)}, Errors: {len(errors)}")


def partition_results_dict(
results_dict: dict[typing.Any, bxl.Result],
) -> (dict, dict[typing.Any, bxl.Error])

Splits a dictionary of bxl.Result into two dictionaries: - Successful key-value pairs (unwrapped values) - Errored key-value pairs (error objects)


  • results_dict: Dictionary with values of type bxl.Result

Tuple of (success_dict, error_dict) where:

  • success_dict: Original keys mapped to unwrapped Ok values
  • error_dict: Original keys mapped to bxl.Error objects


results = {"app": res1, "lib": res2, "test": res3}
successes, errors = split_results_dict_by_status(results)