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Buck support to implement configured_alias


Currently, Buck 2 lacks configured_alias rule support.

configured_alias is a builtin rule in Buck v1, and it cannot be currently implemented as user defined rule in Buck v2.

This RFC proposes Buck core support for configured_alias.

What is configured_alias?

Syntax is this:

name = "foo-but-linux-release",
actual = ":foo",
platform = "config//platforms:linux-release",

When this rule is built, it ignores "current" target configuration, and builds the "actual" target with the configuration specified as "platform" argument.

How to implement it in buck v2?

New rule attribute type: configured_dep

Currently, we have several dependency attributes:

  • attrs.dep
  • attrs.exec_dep
  • attrs.transition_dep
  • attrs.split_transition_dep

This RFC proposes adding another attribute:

  • attrs.configured_dep

configured_dep is an attribute which accepts a pair of strings: target and configuration. During analysis, configured attr deps are resolved to providers resolved using given configuration.

configured_alias_impl user defined rule

The rule implementation is trivial:

def _configured_alias_impl(ctx):
return ctx.attrs.actual.providers

configured_alias_impl = rule(
impl = _configured_alias_impl,
attrs = {
"actual": attrs.configured_dep(),

Finally, configured_alias macro

def configured_alias(name, actual, platform):
configured_alias_impl(name, actual = (actual, platform))


No configured_alias

Each specific case where configured_alias is used, it can be done with defining custom transition, and using custom transition rule.

But having configured_alias is a convenient stopgap to unblock people.

Use @configuration syntax from another RFC.

Instead of passing confiured_target_label(x, y) pass x + "@" + y.

Accept configured_target_label in dep attribute

dep attribute could support all of:

  • regular target label as string
  • configured target label (as either configured_target_label or x@y

I don't know practical applications for this magic, and unless there are uses for it, better keep API simple and explicit.