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Plugin Deps

Background on Rust proc macros

Rust proc macros are compiler plugins. They are a special kind of crate that is compiled to a dylib, which is then loaded by the compiler when another crate depends on the proc macro. Notably, like all Rust crates, proc macros may also be re-exported. This means that if there is a dependency chain like bin -> lib -> proc_macro, the proc macro must be made available when compiling the binary, even though it does not appear directly in the dependencies.

Proc macros have posed a challenge to buck2, for two reasons:

  1. Rust users generally expect to not have to distinguish between proc macros and normal crates when specifying their dependencies. This means it is not easily possible to make the lib -> proc_macro edge an exec_dep.
  2. bin and lib might end up with different exec platforms. This means that even if proc_macro were to be correctly configured as an exec dep of lib, that configuration might be wrong for bin.

FIXME: Other use cases for this feature

Plugins deps

This RFC proposes introducing a concept of "plugin deps" to solve this problem. Plugin deps are deps that can be propagated up the build graph at configuration time, instead of at analysis time. Here's what this looks like:

First, plugin deps come in "kinds." Plugin kinds can be created like MyKind = plugins.kind(). These act as identifiers that can be used to divide all the possible plugin deps up however users need to.

Each configured target has plugin lists: There is one list for each plugin kind. The elements of these list are an unconfigured target, together with a should_propagate bool. The same unconfigured target cannot appear more than once. In other words, this is a HashMap<String, HashMap<Target, bool>>. We need to describe two things: How to use these list, and how to create them.

Using a target's plugin lists

Using plugin lists is very simple: The rule sets uses_plugins = [MyKind] when declared. Setting this make the elements of the plugin list for the given kind appear as exec deps on the configured nodes for this rule. This also means that the plugins participate in exec dep resolution like all other exec deps.

Analysis will then be able to access a list of the providers for each of the plugins via ctx.plugins[MyKind].

The should_propagate bool that is associated with each element of the list is ignored at this stage.

Creating a target's plugin lists

Plugin lists are created by accumulating from two sources:

The first of these is direct plugin deps. They are defined via a new attrs.plugin_dep(kind = "foo"). This attribute (like other deps), is set to a label when the target is declared. It then resolves as follows:

  • In the unconfigured graph: To the appropriate unconfigured target
  • In the configured graph: To the label of the unconfigured target. In other words, this will still be displayed in buck2 cquery -A, but will not appear in the deps.
  • During analysis: Also to the unconfigured target label.

The target that appears in the plugin_dep is added to the MyKind plugin list with should_propagate set.

The second way to add to the plugin list is by inheriting from regular deps. This works as follows: Elements of the plugin lists for which the should_propagate value is true are made available to the immediate rdeps of a configured target. The rdep can use them by setting pulls_plugins = [MyKind] in the appropriate attrs.dep() invocation. This will make the targets appear in the plugin list for the rdep with should_propagate unset. Alternatively, the rdep can set pulls_and_pushes_plugins = [MyKind] to add the targets to the plugin lists with should_propagate set to true. This enables transitive propagation further up the configured graph.

To decide later: Should we allow plugin rules to appear in regular/exec deps, with no special behavior? I don't see why not.

Example: Proc macros

RustProcMacro = plugins.kind()

rust_proc_macro_propagation = rule(
impl = _propagation_impl,
attrs = {
"actual": attrs.plugin_dep(kind = RustProcMacro),

rust_library = rule(
impl = _similar_to_before, # See some notes below
attrs = {
"proc_macro": attrs.bool(default = False), # Same as before
"deps": attrs.list(attrs.dep(pulls_and_pushes_plugins = [RustProcMacro])),
# Here we avoid `pulls_and_pushes` because we do not want to make these deps available to rdeps
"doc_deps": attrs.list(attrs.dep(pulls_plugins = [RustProcMacro])),
uses_plugins = [RustProcMacro]

rust_binary = rule(
impl = _similar_to_before, # See some notes below
attrs = {
"deps": attrs.list(attrs.dep(pulls_plugins = [RustProcMacro])),
"doc_deps": attrs.list(attrs.dep(pulls_plugins = [RustProcMacro])),
uses_plugins = [RustProcMacro]

def _propagation_impl(ctx):
return [
DefaultInfo(default_outputs = []),
# During analysis for rust libraries, the providers for proc macros will appear in
# `ctx.plugins`. However, this includes the transitive and direct proc macro deps, as
# well as the transitive and direct proc macro doc-deps. Analysis needs to be able to
# distinguish between all of these though.
# This dummy provider is passed to allow for precisely that. Generally, it will be passed
# everywhere where the providers of Rust proc macros are currently passed. That ensures that
# analysis on `rust_library` and `rust_binary` have all the information they need about
# where the plugin "entered the dependency graph."


# Expanded by macro
name = "p1_REAL",
proc_macro = True,

# Expanded by macro
name = "p1",
actual = ":p1_REAL",

# Expanded by macro
name = "p2_REAL",
proc_macro = True,

# Expanded by macro
name = "p2",
actual = ":p2_REAL",

name = "l",
deps = [":p1"],
doc_deps = [":p2"],

name = "b",
deps = [":l"],

Analysis for :l will see:

  1. deps which contains only the RustProcMacroMarker("p")
  2. doc_deps which contains only the RustProcMacroMarker("p2")
  3. ctx.plugins[RustProcMacro] which contains the providers of :p1_REAL and :p2_REAL, correctly configured for the execution platform of :l.

Analysis for :b will see:

  1. deps which contain the providers of l

  2. ctx.plugins[RustProcMacro] which contain the providers of :p1_REAL, also correctly configured for its own execution platform (which may be different from :l's).

    Note that because rust_library does not re-push doc deps, :b will not see :p2_REAL.

As a result, the implementation of the rust_library rule should not propagate the providers of its proc macro deps (unlike its regular deps).

There is one downside to this solution: buck2 build :p does absolutely none of the things that the user is probably expecting. They need buck2 build :p_REAL. That's a bit sad. Thankfully directly building proc macros is not that important a use case?


It is already the case today that we can't use the normal alias rule on toolchains. A similar situation crops up here, where aliasing a target that pushes plugins causes the plugins to "get lost." The right solution to this is to probably allow plugins.ALL as a special value on pulls_plugins and pulls_and_pushes_plugins, and then set that for the alias rule.