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list type


def list.append(el, /) -> None

list.append: append an element to a list.

L.append(x) appends x to the list L, and returns None.

append fails if the list is frozen or has active iterators.

x = []
x == [1, 2, 3]


def list.clear() -> None

list.clear: clear a list

L.clear() removes all the elements of the list L and returns None. It fails if the list is frozen or if there are active iterators.

x = [1, 2, 3]
x == []


def list.extend(other: typing.Iterable, /) -> None

list.extend: extend a list with another iterable's content.

L.extend(x) appends the elements of x, which must be iterable, to the list L, and returns None.

extend fails if x is not iterable, or if the list L is frozen or has active iterators.

x = []
x.extend([1, 2, 3])
x == [1, 2, 3, "foo"]


def list.index(
start: None | int = None,
end: None | int = None,
) -> int

list.index: get the index of an element in the list.

L.index(x[, start[, end]]) finds x within the list L and returns its index.

The optional start and end parameters restrict the portion of list L that is inspected. If provided and not None, they must be list indices of type int. If an index is negative, len(L) is effectively added to it, then if the index is outside the range [0:len(L)], the nearest value within that range is used; see Indexing.

index fails if x is not found in L, or if start or end is not a valid index (int or None).

x = ["b", "a", "n", "a", "n", "a"]
x.index("a") == 1 # bAnana
x.index("a", 2) == 3 # banAna
x.index("a", -2) == 5 # bananA


def list.insert(index: int, el, /) -> None

list.insert: insert an element in a list.

L.insert(i, x) inserts the value x in the list L at index i, moving higher-numbered elements along by one. It returns None.

As usual, the index i must be an int. If its value is negative, the length of the list is added, then its value is clamped to the nearest value in the range [0:len(L)] to yield the effective index.

insert fails if the list is frozen or has active iterators.

x = ["b", "c", "e"]
x.insert(0, "a")
x.insert(-1, "d")
x == ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]


def list.pop(index: int = ..., /)

list.pop: removes and returns the last element of a list.

L.pop([index]) removes and returns the last element of the list L, or, if the optional index is provided, at that index.

pop fails if the index is negative or not less than the length of the list, of if the list is frozen or has active iterators.

x = [1, 2, 3]
x.pop() == 3
x.pop() == 2
x == [1]


def list.remove(needle, /) -> None

list.remove: remove a value from a list

L.remove(x) removes the first occurrence of the value x from the list L, and returns None.

remove fails if the list does not contain x, is frozen, or has active iterators.

x = [1, 2, 3, 2]
x == [1, 3, 2]
x == [1, 3]

A subsequent call to x.remove(2) would yield an error because the element won't be found.

x = [1, 2, 3, 2]
x.remove(2) # error: not found