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def str(a, /) -> str

str: formats its argument as a string.

If x is a string, the result is x (without quotation). All other strings, such as elements of a list of strings, are double-quoted.

str(1)                          == '1'
str("x") == 'x'
str([1, "x"]) == "[1, \"x\"]"


def str.capitalize() -> str

string.capitalize: returns a copy of string S, where the first character (if any) is converted to uppercase; all other characters are converted to lowercase.

"hello, world!".capitalize() == "Hello, world!"
"Hello, World!".capitalize() == "Hello, world!"
"".capitalize() == ""


def str.codepoints(
) -> typing.Iterable[str]

string.codepoints: returns an iterable of the unicode codepoint of a string.

S.codepoints() returns an iterable value containing the sequence of integer Unicode code points encoded by the string S. Each invalid code within the string is treated as if it encodes the Unicode replacement character, U+FFFD.

By returning an iterable, not a list, the cost of decoding the string is deferred until actually needed; apply list(...) to the result to materialize the entire sequence.

list("Hello, 世界".codepoints()) == [72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 19990, 30028]


def str.count(
needle: str,
start: None | int = None,
end: None | int = None,
) -> int

string.count: count the number of occurrences of a string in another string.

S.count(sub[, start[, end]]) returns the number of occurrences of sub within the string S, or, if the optional substring indices start and end are provided, within the designated substring of S. They are interpreted according to Skylark's indexing conventions.

This implementation does not count occurrence of sub in the string S that overlap other occurrence of S (which can happen if some suffix of S is a prefix of S). For instance, "abababa".count("aba") returns 2 for [aba]a[aba], not counting the middle occurrence: ab[aba]ba (this is following Python behavior).

"hello, world!".count("o") == 2
"abababa".count("aba") == 2
"hello, world!".count("o", 7, 12) == 1 # in "world"


def str.elems() -> typing.Iterable[str]

string.elems: returns an iterable of the bytes values of a string.

S.elems() returns an iterable value containing the sequence of numeric bytes values in the string S.

To materialize the entire sequence of bytes, apply list(...) to the result.

list("Hello, 世界".elems()) == ["H", "e", "l", "l", "o", ",", " ", "世", "界"]


def str.endswith(
suffix: str | tuple[str, ...],
) -> bool

string.endswith: determine if a string ends with a given suffix.

S.endswith(suffix) reports whether the string S has the specified suffix.

"".endswith(".sky") == True


def str.find(
needle: str,
start: None | int = None,
end: None | int = None,
) -> int

string.find: find a substring in a string.

S.find(sub[, start[, end]]) returns the index of the first occurrence of the substring sub within S.

If either or both of start or end are specified, they specify a subrange of S to which the search should be restricted. They are interpreted according to Skylark's indexing conventions.

If no occurrence is found, found returns -1.

"bonbon".find("on") == 1
"bonbon".find("on", 2) == 4
"bonbon".find("on", 2, 5) == -1


def str.format(*args, **kwargs) -> str

string.format: format a string.

S.format(*args, **kwargs) returns a version of the format string S in which bracketed portions {...} are replaced by arguments from args and kwargs.

Within the format string, a pair of braces {{ or }} is treated as a literal open or close brace. Each unpaired open brace must be matched by a close brace }. The optional text between corresponding open and close braces specifies which argument to use and how to format it, and consists of three components, all optional: a field name, a conversion preceded by '!', and a format specifier preceded by ':'.


The field name may be either a decimal number or a keyword. A number is interpreted as the index of a positional argument; a keyword specifies the value of a keyword argument. If all the numeric field names form the sequence 0, 1, 2, and so on, they may be omitted and those values will be implied; however, the explicit and implicit forms may not be mixed.

The conversion specifies how to convert an argument value x to a string. It may be either !r, which converts the value using repr(x), or !s, which converts the value using str(x) and is the default.

The format specifier, after a colon, specifies field width, alignment, padding, and numeric precision. Currently it must be empty, but it is reserved for future use.

"a {} c".format(3) == "a 3 c"
"a{x}b{y}c{}".format(1, x=2, y=3) == "a2b3c1"
"a{}b{}c".format(1, 2) == "a1b2c"
"({1}, {0})".format("zero", "one") == "(one, zero)"
"Is {0!r} {0!s}?".format("heterological") == "Is \"heterological\" heterological?"


def str.index(
needle: str,
start: None | int = None,
end: None | int = None,
) -> int

string.index: search a substring inside a string, failing on not found.

S.index(sub[, start[, end]]) returns the index of the first occurrence of the substring sub within S, like S.find, except that if the substring is not found, the operation fails.

"bonbon".index("on") == 1
"bonbon".index("on", 2) == 4
"bonbon".index("on", 2, 5) # error: not found


def str.isalnum() -> bool

string.isalnum: test if a string is composed only of letters and digits.

S.isalnum() reports whether the string S is non-empty and consists only Unicode letters and digits.

"base64".isalnum() == True
"Catch-22".isalnum() == False


def str.isalpha() -> bool

string.isalpha: test if a string is composed only of letters.

S.isalpha() reports whether the string S is non-empty and consists only of Unicode letters.

"ABC".isalpha() == True
"Catch-22".isalpha() == False
"".isalpha() == False


def str.isdigit() -> bool

string.isdigit: test if a string is composed only of digits.

S.isdigit() reports whether the string S is non-empty and consists only of Unicode digits.

"123".isdigit() == True
"Catch-22".isdigit() == False
"".isdigit() == False


def str.islower() -> bool

string.islower: test if all letters of a string are lowercase.

S.islower() reports whether the string S contains at least one cased Unicode letter, and all such letters are lowercase.

"hello, world".islower() == True
"Catch-22".islower() == False
"123".islower() == False


def str.isspace() -> bool

string.isspace: test if all characters of a string are whitespaces.

S.isspace() reports whether the string S is non-empty and consists only of Unicode spaces.

"    ".isspace() == True
"\r\t\n".isspace() == True
"".isspace() == False


def str.istitle() -> bool

string.istitle: test if the string is title cased.

S.istitle() reports whether the string S contains at least one cased Unicode letter, and all such letters that begin a word are in title case.

"Hello, World!".istitle() == True
"Catch-22".istitle() == True
"HAL-9000".istitle() == False
"123".istitle() == False


def str.isupper() -> bool

string.isupper: test if all letters of a string are uppercase.

S.isupper() reports whether the string S contains at least one cased Unicode letter, and all such letters are uppercase.

"HAL-9000".isupper() == True
"Catch-22".isupper() == False
"123".isupper() == False


def str.join(
to_join: typing.Iterable[str],
) -> str

string.join: join elements with a separator.

S.join(iterable) returns the string formed by concatenating each element of its argument, with a copy of the string S between successive elements. The argument must be an iterable whose elements are strings.

", ".join([]) == ""
", ".join(("x", )) == "x"
", ".join(["one", "two", "three"]) == "one, two, three"
"a".join("ctmrn".elems()) == "catamaran"


def str.lower() -> str

string.lower: convert a string to all lowercase.

S.lower() returns a copy of the string S with letters converted to lowercase.

"Hello, World!".lower() == "hello, world!"


def str.lstrip(
chars: str = ...,
) -> str

string.lstrip: trim leading whitespaces.

S.lstrip() returns a copy of the string S with leading whitespace removed. In most cases instead of passing an argument you should use removeprefix.

"  hello  ".lstrip() == "hello  "
"x!hello ".lstrip("!x ") == "hello "


def str.partition(
needle: str,
) -> (str, str, str)

string.partition: partition a string in 3 components

S.partition(x = " ") splits string S into three parts and returns them as a tuple: the portion before the first occurrence of string x, x itself, and the portion following it. If S does not contain x, partition returns (S, "", "").

partition fails if x is not a string, or is the empty string.

"one/two/three".partition("/") == ("one", "/", "two/three")
"one".partition("/") == ("one", "", "")


def str.removeprefix(
prefix: str,
) -> str

string.removeprefix: remove a prefix from a string. Not part of standard Starlark.

If the string starts with the prefix string, return string[len(prefix):]. Otherwise, return a copy of the original string:

"Hello, World!".removeprefix("Hello") == ", World!"
"Hello, World!".removeprefix("Goodbye") == "Hello, World!"
"Hello".removeprefix("Hello") == ""


def str.removesuffix(
suffix: str,
) -> str

string.removesuffix: remove a prefix from a string. Not part of standard Starlark.

If the string starts with the prefix string, return string[len(prefix):]. Otherwise, return a copy of the original string:

"Hello, World!".removesuffix("World!") == "Hello, "
"Hello, World!".removesuffix("World") == "Hello, World!"
"Hello".removesuffix("Hello") == ""


def str.replace(
old: str,
new: str,
count: int = ...,
) -> str

string.replace: replace all occurrences of a substring.

S.replace(old, new[, count]) returns a copy of string S with all occurrences of substring old replaced by new. If the optional argument count, which must be an int, is non-negative, it specifies a maximum number of occurrences to replace.

"banana".replace("a", "o") == "bonono"
"banana".replace("a", "o", 2) == "bonona"
"banana".replace("z", "x") == "banana"
"banana".replace("", "x") == "xbxaxnxaxnxax"
"banana".replace("", "x", 2) == "xbxanana"
"".replace("", "x") == "x"
"banana".replace("a", "o", -2) # error: argument was negative


def str.rfind(
needle: str,
start: None | int = None,
end: None | int = None,
) -> int

string.rfind: find the last index of a substring.

S.rfind(sub[, start[, end]]) returns the index of the substring sub within S, like S.find, except that rfind returns the index of the substring's last occurrence.

"bonbon".rfind("on") == 4
"bonbon".rfind("on", None, 5) == 1
"bonbon".rfind("on", 2, 5) == -1


def str.rindex(
needle: str,
start: None | int = None,
end: None | int = None,
) -> int

string.rindex: find the last index of a substring, failing on not found.

S.rindex(sub[, start[, end]]) returns the index of the substring sub within S, like S.index, except that rindex returns the index of the substring's last occurrence.

"bonbon".rindex("on") == 4
"bonbon".rindex("on", None, 5) == 1 # in "bonbo"
"bonbon".rindex("on", 2, 5) # error: not found


def str.rpartition(
needle: str,
) -> (str, str, str)

string.rpartition: partition a string in 3 elements.

S.rpartition([x = ' ']) is like partition, but splits S at the last occurrence of x.

"one/two/three".rpartition("/") == ("one/two", "/", "three")
"one".rpartition("/") == ("", "", "one")


def str.rsplit(
sep: None | str = None,
maxsplit: None | int = None,
) -> list[str]

string.rsplit: splits a string into substrings.

S.rsplit([sep[, maxsplit]]) splits a string into substrings like S.split, except that when a maximum number of splits is specified, rsplit chooses the rightmost splits.

"banana".rsplit("n") == ["ba", "a", "a"]
"banana".rsplit("n", 1) == ["bana", "a"]
"one two three".rsplit(None, 1) == ["one two", "three"]


def str.rstrip(
chars: str = ...,
) -> str

string.rstrip: trim trailing whitespace.

S.rstrip() returns a copy of the string S with trailing whitespace removed. In most cases instead of passing an argument you should use removesuffix.

"  hello  ".rstrip() == "  hello"
" hello!x".rstrip(" x!") == " hello"


def str.split(
sep: None | str = None,
maxsplit: None | int = None,
) -> list[str]

string.split: split a string in substrings.

S.split([sep [, maxsplit]]) returns the list of substrings of S, splitting at occurrences of the delimiter string sep.

Consecutive occurrences of sep are considered to delimit empty strings, so 'food'.split('o') returns ['f', '', 'd']. Splitting an empty string with a specified separator returns ['']. If sep is the empty string, split fails.

If sep is not specified or is None, split uses a different algorithm: it removes all leading spaces from S (or trailing spaces in the case of rsplit), then splits the string around each consecutive non-empty sequence of Unicode white space characters.

If S consists only of white space, split returns the empty list.

If maxsplit is given and non-negative, it specifies a maximum number of splits.

"one two  three".split() == ["one", "two", "three"]
"one two three".split(" ") == ["one", "two", "", "three"]
"one two three".split(None, 1) == ["one", "two three"]
"banana".split("n") == ["ba", "a", "a"]
"banana".split("n", 1) == ["ba", "ana"]


def str.splitlines(
keepends: bool = False,
) -> list[str]

string.splitlines: return the list of lines of a string.

S.splitlines([keepends]) returns a list whose elements are the successive lines of S, that is, the strings formed by splitting S at line terminators ('\n', '\r' or '\r\n').

The optional argument, keepends, is interpreted as a Boolean. If true, line terminators are preserved in the result, though the final element does not necessarily end with a line terminator.

"one\n\ntwo".splitlines() == ["one", "", "two"]
"one\n\ntwo".splitlines(True) == ["one\n", "\n", "two"]
"a\nb".splitlines() == ["a", "b"]


def str.startswith(
prefix: str | tuple[str, ...],
) -> bool

string.startswith: test whether a string starts with a given prefix.

S.startswith(suffix) reports whether the string S has the specified prefix.

"".startswith("filename") == True
"".startswith("sky") == False
'abc'.startswith(('a', 'A')) == True
'ABC'.startswith(('a', 'A')) == True
'def'.startswith(('a', 'A')) == False


def str.strip(
chars: str = ...,
) -> str

string.strip: trim leading and trailing whitespaces.

S.strip() returns a copy of the string S with leading and trailing whitespace removed.

"  hello  ".strip() == "hello"
"xxhello!!".strip("x!") == "hello"


def str.title() -> str

string.title: convert a string to title case.

S.title() returns a copy of the string S with letters converted to titlecase.

Letters are converted to uppercase at the start of words, lowercase elsewhere.

"hElLo, WoRlD!".title() == "Hello, World!"


def str.upper() -> str

string.upper: convert a string to all uppercase.

S.upper() returns a copy of the string S with letters converted to uppercase.

"Hello, World!".upper() == "HELLO, WORLD!"