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Some of the information within this page is outdated. However, the explanation of the problem, and thought process behind it, remains useful. The storage of values is similar but implemented using different types.

Starlark (with a nested def) has a series of environments that may be active during an evaluation, as illustrated in the following example:

x = []
def foo():
y = True
def bar():
z = 1
list.append(x, 1)

The above example features the following environments:

  • Global environment - defining things like list.append
  • Module environment - defining x
  • Environment of foo - defining y
  • Environment of bar - defining z

A scope can access variables defined above it, and often mutate them, but not assign them.

To unpack that:

  • From the statements inside bar, you can access list.append, x, y, and z.
  • From inside bar, you can mutate the variables to be accessed with statements like list.append(x, 1) (which may also be termed x.append(1)).
    • However, before this module is imported by another module, all of its exports become frozen, which means it isn't possible to mutate a global list, and if foo is called from a different module, then x can't be modified.
  • If bar does x = 1 that defines a local variable x in the function bar, shadowing the global x. As a consequence, you cannot assign to variables defined in an outer scope.

Note that assignment after, or even in non-executed conditional branches, introduces a local variable.

For example:

x = 1
def f():
if False:
x = 2

In the above code, on executing f(), it would complain that x is referenced before assignment, as the assignment x = 2 makes x a local variable.

The rest of this document outlines the various types of environments, how they are accessed, and how they are updated.

Global Environment

The global environment is always frozen and consists of functions and type-values. All things in the global environment are accessed by name.

Type-values are things like list.append, which is used when you do either list.append(xs, 1) or xs.append(1), assuming xs is of type list. The available methods for a type can be queried (for example, dir(list)).

There are also global functions, such as len, range, and str.


To optimise evaluation, all variables are accessed by integers, which are known as 'slots'. Many variables can be converted to slots statically during compilation, and those which can't have their slot looked up by name at runtime.

The Slots data type is defined as:

enum Slots {

struct FrozenSlots(Arc<Vec<Option<FrozenValue>>>);

As featured in the above code:

  • A set of slots are either Frozen, which came from another module behind Arc or just normal Slots, which can be manipulated by the current scope (behind a Rc/RefCell for single-threaded use and mutation).
  • Vec is accessed by the slot index.
  • Option refers to whether the slot has been assigned yet (to detect variables referenced before assignment).

Module Environment

The module environment is where the module executes, namely where x is defined above. The module environment can have values added in the following standards-conforming ways:

  • Assignment statements (such as x = 1 or x += 1).
  • For loops (such as the x in for x in []:).
  • Via the load("a.bzl", "foo"), which imports foo frozen.
  • Via def foo():, which defines foo in the module environment. Whether a def is frozen or not, when it's executed, its local variables are not frozen.

In addition, two non-standards-conforming ways of defining variables are supported:

  • Some modules can be injected as bindings in advance. Given a module foo that is injected, all the bindings of foo will be inserted in this module as frozen.
  • The function load_symbols injects a dictionary of bindings into the module environment.

Note that a module has a fixed set of variables (from the standards-conforming ways), a pre-execution set (from the injections) and yet more variables at runtime (via load_symbols). To support that structure, the mapping from name to slot index is tracked in a struct:

enum Names {
Names(Rc<RefCell<HashMap<String, usize>>>),
struct FrozenNames(Arc<HashMap<String, usize>>);

Each name is given an entry in the map with an increasing slot index. A name will only be assigned a slot once, reusing it thereafter. A corresponding Slots data type provides the values associated with those names.

Importantly, the Slots can be extended at runtime by the load_symbols function. As with Slots, you can either share things behind an Arc or mutate them behind an Rc/RefCell.

Function Environment

A function can have variables introduced via assignments, for loops, and parameters. No additional variables can be discovered at runtime, so all names can be erased at compile time.

A function can also access variables from the functions it is statically nested within, and from the variables at the root of the module. To support this structure, at runtime we pass around the context, defined as:

struct Context {
names: Names,
slots: Vec<Slots>,

The above code contains the mapping of names for the module and the slots for the module and each function.

When executed, the inner-most Slots (at the end of slots:) will never be frozen, as that represents the local variables: but any other may be.

When a function value is captured in a frozen module, use FrozenContext:

struct FrozenContext {
names: FrozenNames,
slots: Vec<FrozenSlots>,

## List comprehension environments

A list comprehension can be defined as:

[x for x in [1,2,3]]

In the above code:

  • The statement defines a variable x that is immediately initialised and shadows any other variables x in scope.
  • The variable x cannot be assigned to, other than in the list comprehension, as it only lives inside the comprehension and the comprehension does not permit assignment statements (only expressions). Such names are not available at the top-level, even when defined in the root of a module.

List comprehensions are implemented by adding additional entries into the Slots data type. Even when added at the root of a module, such names are not added to Names.


There are a number of optimisations made to the scheme:

  • When freezing a Names or Slots structure, it's important to only freeze a particular mutable variant once, or you duplicate memory unnecessarily. Therefore, the Slots to be Rc<RefCell<(_, Option<FrozenSlots>)>> are augmented, and, similarly, the Names.
    • When freeze is called, the original value is consumed, and the Some variant is added.
    • Note: it is unsafe to ever access the slots after the freeze.
  • Programs can only assign to the inner-most Slots, and that slots must always be mutable. Therefore, define a local Slots that is always mutable, and a separate AST node for referring to it.
    • For modules, it is important that this mutable local Slots is also in scope since the scope is used to retrieve unknown variables.