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Writing Rules

This page describes how to write rules for Buck2 and explains the flow for implementing rules that are already defined in Buck1.

For a list of the API functions available, see the Build APIs.


Rules such as @fbcode_macros//build_defs:native_rules.bzl buck_genrule are not actually rules, they are macros (Starlark functions that eventually call out the underlying genrule rule). Macros in Buck2 are mostly compatible with Buck1 and should be written in the same way.

Workflow by example

The built-in Buck2 rules are stored in the prelude folder in the buck2 repo. To add a rule for a language, say pascal:

  1. Look at prelude/decls to see the attributes that are supported in Buck1 and are mirrored into Buck2. If pascal was an existing rule, you would see what attributes it takes (often it will be pascal_library and pascal_binary).

  2. Create a file pascal.bzl that will contain your rule implementations. The details are explained later, but a dummy rule looks like the following:

    def pascal_binary_impl(_ctx: AnalysisContext) -> list[Provider]:
    return [DefaultInfo()]
  3. Create a directory in fbcode/buck2/tests/targets/rules/pascal with TARGETS and whatever source files and test targets you need to test your project. Note, Apple tests are currently located at xplat/buck2/tests/apple/....

  4. Test your code with buck2 build fbcode//buck2/tests/targets/rules/pascal:. They should succeed with no actual output produced.

  5. Now implement the rules (see the rest of this page).


Before merging a diff, it's important that all your Starlark is warning free (if you don't want to set up Buck2 for local development, test it in CI).

Concepts and design

A rule for a target uses attributes to declare actions, which produce artifacts that get included in providers.

For example, given:

def pascal_binary_impl(ctx: AnalysisContext) -> list[Provider]:
binary = ctx.actions.declare_output(ctx.attrs.out)["pascalc", ctx.attrs.srcs, "-o", binary.as_output()])
return [
DefaultInfo(default_output = binary),

pascal_binary = rule(impl = pascal_binary_impl, attrs = {
"out": attrs.string(),

In the above snippet:

  • Rule is pascal_binary, which is implemented by pascal_binary_impl. The rule says how to build things.
  • Target will be something like fbcode//buck2/tests/targets/rules/pascal:my_binary. The rule implementation pascal_binary_impl will be called once per target.
  • Attributes are the fields on the target (for example, you might have out, which can be accessed via ctx.attrs.out).
  • Actions are declared by the rule with things like, which takes a command line. Note that the actions are not run by the rule, but declared, so that Buck2 can run them later.
  • Artifacts represent files on disk, which could be source or build outputs (binary in the above example).
    • For build outputs, the artifact is produced by an action, and the existence of the artifact does not imply the build has been run: the artifact 'remembers' what should be run if it is required.
  • Providers are returned, which is information that other rules get to use. These will often contain artifacts.

The rule implementation takes in a ctx, which is the rule context. The two most important fields are ctx.attrs, which picks up the attributes declared by the rule, and ctx.actions, which lets you create new actions to actually do something.

The output of any actions performed will be materialized in buck-out. However, only the defined outputs of providers are available for dependent rules to consume and only the actions necessary to produce those outputs being consumed will be run. By default, the default_output of the DefaultInfo provider is built and output during a buck build.


Providers are the data returned from a rule and are the only way that information from this rule is available to rules that depend on it. Every rule must return at least the DefaultInfo provider, but most will also return either RunInfo (because they are executable) or some custom provider (because they are incorporated into something that is ultimately executable).

The DefaultInfo provider has a field default_output, which is the file that will be built when someone executes a buck2 build on this particular target, and the file that will be used when someone runs $(location target) or uses it as a source file (such as srcs = [":my_target"].)

The current rule of thumb is that if you can build the default_output, the rule must 'work', and, if usable, should be 'ready'. For example, for a binary, the executable and runtime libraries it depends on might be returned. For a library, because neither the static or dynamic library is the 'default', you merely have to do enough work to ensure that the static and dynamic library probably work.

Similar to how DefaultInfo wraps a list of artifacts and $(location) selects from DefaultInfo, RunInfo wraps a command line and $(exe) selects from RunInfo.

For more information about command lines, see Run action, below.

For libraries, usually you need to pass some information about the library up to the binary. The only information that dependents on the library get are the providers, so designing the information that flows around the provider is critical to designing good rules.

For a hypothetical rule, you may decide you want the name of the library and the artifact that represents the .so file, for which you could define the following provider:

PascalLibraryInfo = provider(fields=[
"name", # The name of the library
"object" # An artifact, the .so file that needs linking in

Often, you'll grab your dependencies from all your providers:

my_deps = [x[PascalLibraryInfo] for x in ctx.attrs.deps]

In many cases, it becomes apparent you need the transitive closure of all libraries (for example, the libraries and everything they depend upon), in which case, the standard pattern is to move to a provider of a list of record (see the document in GitHub) and the flatten/dedupe functions, defining it as:

PascalLibraryInfo = provider(fields=["links"]) # a list of LinkData

LinkData = record(name = str, object = "artifact")

And then consuming it:

my_links = dedupe(flatten([x[PascalLibraryInfo].links for x in ctx.attrs.deps]))
my_info = PascalLibraryInfo(links = my_links)

However, this flatten/dupe pattern can get expensive, especially when you have a deep dependency graph. To fix that it's recommended to use transitive sets.


There are several actions you can use to create symlink trees, and so on.

Run action

Of the various actions, the run action is by far the most important: it's the one that invokes a command line.

A command line is both a list of string arguments and a list of artifacts they depend on; with syntactic niceties for adding artifacts to command lines in a way that ensures the dependencies are usually correct.

Following are examples of command line manipulations:

cmd = cmd_args(["some", "arguments"])
cmd.add(ctx.attrs.src) # An input artifact
out = ctx.actions.declare_output("an output")

The action declare_output creates a new artifact which is not bound to anything. You can call .as_output() on it when adding it to a command line to say that this command line doesn't take the artifact as an input but produces it as an output.

From now on, if out is used as a dependency (either to another command line, or in DefaultInfo) then the action will be run to produce that artifact. Typically, these outputs are declared (declare_output), bound in a call with .as_output(), then either used locally as the input to another action or returned in a provider.

As another example:

cmd = cmd_args(["cp", input, output.as_output()])

A command provides both a string (what to write when used) and a list of artifacts (what must be available when used). Normally, as in the case above, the artifacts that are used correspond to those on the command line. But imagine the rule is changed to write the command to a shell script first:

sh = ctx.actions.write("", ["cp", input, output])
cmd = cmd_args(["sh",sh],hidden=[input, output.as_output()])

The command has been written to a shell script, which is now run. Beforehand, all the artifacts used by the command appeared on the command line. Now they don't. However, the shell script still accesses input and output. To inform the run command, use the hidden field of the command line to declare the dependency.

For more complicated actions, which perform meaningful logic beyond invoking a simple command, the tendency is to write custom Python scripts. Python scripts are used instead of shell scripts as they have better cross-platform compatibility and fewer hidden corners (especially in error paths).

As an example of a Python helper, see

A further advantage of using Python is that these commands can be tested in isolation, outside of Buck2.


The functions fail, print and pprint are your friends. To get started, a buck2 build fbcode//buck2/tests/targets/rules/pascal: builds everything or buck2 run fbcode//buck2/tests/targets/rules/pascal:my_binary runs a specific binary that returns a RunInfo.

Testing Rules

A common way to test is to use genrule to cause the produced binary to run and assert some properties from it. If your rule is in Buck1 and Buck2, use a TARGETS file so you can test with both. If your tests are incompatible with Buck1 (such as if it is a new rule), use TARGETS.v2, which will only be seen by Buck2 and won't cause errors with Buck1.

New rules

If your rule is not already in Buck1, then you can define it wherever you like, with a preference for it not being in fbcode/buck2/prelude.

The only advantage of the prelude is that rules can be used without a corresponding load, which is generally considered a misfeature. The attributes should usually be placed adjacent to the rule itself.

As an example, just below the pascal_binary_impl function, you could write:

pascal_binary = rule(
impl = pascal_binary_impl,
attrs = {
"deps": attrs.list(attrs.dep()),
"src": attrs.source(),