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Common How-Tos

Passing in and using CLI args

A BXL function can accept a cli_args attribute where args names and types are specified to use within your script, as shown in the following example:


def _impl_example(ctx):
# ...

example = bxl_main(
impl = _impl_example,
cli_args = {
# cli args that you want to receive from the command line
"bool_arg": cli_args.bool(),
"list_type": cli_args.list(,
"optional": cli_args.option(cli_args.string()),
"target": cli_args.target_label(),

On the command line, you can invoke the arguments as follows:

buck2 bxl //myscript.bxl:example -- --bool_arg true --list_type 1 --list_type 2 --target //foo:bar

For BXL functions, to read the arguments, use them as attributes from the cli_args attribute on the BXL ctx object, as follows:

def _impl_example(ctx):
my_bool_arg = ctx.cli_args.bool_arg

Running actions

You can create actions within BXL via the actions_factory. This is called once globally then used on demand:

def _impl_example(ctx):
actions = ctx.bxl_actions().actions # call once, reuse wherever needed
output = actions.write("my_output", "out")

You will need to have execution platforms enabled for your project, or else you will get an error. You can specify the execution platform resolution by setting named parameters when instantiating bxl_actions:

  • exec_deps - These are dependencies you wish to access as executables for creating the action. This is usually the same set of targets one would pass to rule's attr.exec_dep. Accepts a list of strings, subtarget labels, target labels, or target nodes.
  • toolchains - The set of toolchains needed for the actions you intend to create. Accepts a list of strings, subtarget labels, target labels, or target nodes.
  • target_platform - The intended target platform for your toolchains. Accepts a string or target label.
  • exec_compatible_with - Explicit list of configuration nodes (like platforms or constraints) that these actions are compatible with. This is the exec_compatible_with attribute of a target. Accepts a list of strings, target labels, or target nodes.

If you specify exec_deps or toolchains, you can access the resolved dependency objects on the bxl_actions object. The bxl_actions object will have exec_deps and toolchains attributes, which are dicts where the keys are the unconfigured subtarget labels, and the values are the configured/resolved dependency objects.

Note that the keys of exec_deps and toolchains must be unconfigured subtarget labels (StarlarkProvidersLabel), and not unconfigured target labels. You can use ctx.unconfigured_sub_targets(...) or with_sub_target() on target_label to create the label.

def _impl_example(ctx):
my_exec_dep = ctx.unconfigured_sub_targets("foo//bar:baz") # has some provider that you would use in the action
bxl_actions = ctx.bxl_actions(exec_deps = [my_exec_dep]) # call once, reuse wherever needed
output =
bxl_actions.exec_deps[my_exec_dep][RunInfo], # access resolved exec_deps on the `bxl_actions`
category = "command",
local_only = True,

Getting providers from an analysis

After calling analysis(), you can get the providers collection from providers():

def _impl_example(ctx):
my_providers = ctx.analysis(my_target).providers()

Get a specific provider from an analysis

After calling analysis(), you can also get the providers collection from providers() then grab whatever specific provider you need:

def _impl_example(ctx):
default_info = ctx.analysis(my_target).providers()[DefaultInfo]

Get a specific subtarget from an analysis

Once you have a provider, you can get its subtargets by using the sub_targets attribute on the struct to get a dict of provider labels to provider collections:

def _impl_example(ctx):
subtarget = ctx.analysis(my_target).providers()[DefaultInfo].sub_targets["my_subtarget"]

Building a target/subtarget without blocking is synchronous and should only be used when the result of the build is needed inline during the bxl execution. To execute builds without blocking the script, retrieve the DefaultInfo from the target's providers and use the ctx.output.ensure_multiple api.



Getting attributes or resolved attributes efficiently on a configured target node

If you need to use all of the attrs/resolved_attrs, then initializing the eager variant once would be best. If you only need a few of the attrs, then initializing the lazy variant is better. There’s not really a hard line, it depends on the target node, and which attrs you are looking for. If performance is key to your BXL script, the best way to determine this is to use the BXL profiler.

Regardless, if you use eager or lazy versions of getting attributes, you should cache the attrs object:

def _impl_example(ctx):
my_configured_node = ctx.configured_targets(":foo")

# call once and resue, ideally when you need most/all attrs
eager = my_configured_node.attrs_eager()

# call once and reuse, ideally when you only need a few attrs
lazy = my_configured_node.attrs_lazy()

# call once and reuse, ideally when you need most/all resolved attrs
resolved_eager = my_configured_node.resolved_attrs_eager(ctx)

# call once and reuse, ideally when you only need a few resolved attrs
resolved_lazy = my_configured_node.resolved_attrs_lazy(ctx)

Inspecting a struct

You can use dir(my_struct) to inspect a struct. You can also use getattr(my_struct, "my_attr") to grab individual attributes, which is equivalent to my_struct.my_attr.

These are available as part of the Starlark language spec.

Set addition/subtraction on a target_set

There are a few BXL actions that return a target_set (such as a cquery eval()). The target_set supports set subtraction and addition (you can use - and + directly in Starlark).

Initializing configured/unconfigured target_set

You can use following apis to initialize target_set

def bxl.utarget_set(nodes: None | list[bxl.UnconfiguredTargetNode]) -> bxl.UnconfiguredTargetSet
def bxl.ctarget_set(nodes: None | list[bxl.ConfiguredTargetNode]) -> bxl.ConfiguredTargetSet

Profiling, Testing, and Debugging a BXL script

You can use buck2 bxl profiler, with various measurements, to determine where the script is least efficient.

To time individual pieces of the script, you can use BXL’s timestamp methods:

def _impl_example(_ctx):
start = now() # call once and reuse wherever is necessary
# do something time intensive here
end1 = start.elapsed_millis()
# do something else time intensive here
end2 = start.elapsed_millis()
  • Debug - the common way to debug a BXL script is with print statements (print(), pprint() and ctx.output.print()).
  • Test - BXL does not have a robust testing framework for mocking. The main method to test a BXL script is to actually invoke it with required inputs then verify the outputs.

Getting the path of an artifact as a string

The starlark artifact type encapsulates source artifacts, declared artifacts, and build artifacts. It can be dangerous to access paths and use them in further BXL computations. For example, if you are trying to use absolute paths for something and end up passing it into a remotely executed action, the absolute path may not exist on the remote machine. Or, if you are working with paths and expecting the artifact to already have been materialized in further BXL computations, that would also result in errors.

However, if you are not making any assumptions about the existence of these artifacts, you can use use get_path_without_materialization(), which accepts source, declared, or build aritfacts. It does not accept ensured artifacts (also see What do I need to know about ensured artifacts).

For getting paths of cmd_args() inputs, you can use get_paths_without_materialization(), but note this is risky because the inputs could contain tsets, which, when expanded, could be very large. Use these methods at your own risk.