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How to run actions based on the content of artifact

This guide shows you how to run actions that need to read artifact contents first. You'll learn how to use dynamic actions to handle cases where you need to read a file's content first.

Common examples include:

  • Reading a dependency list file to determine compilation order
  • Processing an index file to find required dependencies
  • Parsing source files to discover header dependencies
  • Reading configuration files to determine build parameters


1. Identify and prepare your dynamic dependencies

First, determine which artifacts you need to read before running your action. These will be your "dynamic" artifacts. For example:

  • A dependency file listing required inputs
  • A configuration file specifying build parameters
  • A index file listing the dependencies

You need to either use BXL APIs to obtain your artifacts from the build graph, or run actions to generate them.

2. Declare your output artifacts

Declare the outputs that your dynamic action will produce:

output_artifact = ctx.actions.declare_output("output.txt")

3. Define dynamic action

process_dynamic = bxl.dynamic_actions(
impl = process_dynamic_impl,
attrs = {
"file": dynattrs.artifact_value(),
"output": dynattrs.output(),
"my_data": dynattrs.value(MyData)

It needs a impl function which we will define in step 4, and attributes that you want to passed in the dynamic actions includes the artifacts you want to read, output artifacts you declared in step 2, and any other values you want to pass in. You can using dynattrs.value([type]) to pass in any type. More details for dynamic attributes can be found here

4. Define dynamic action impl function

We need to declare all arguments defined in step3 and bxl context.

Note: The name of the first argument in the impl function must be bxl_ctx.

We can read the file content by read_string() or read_json(). Details can be found here

def process_dynamic_impl(
bxl_ctx: bxl.Context, # BXL context
file: ArtifactValue, # Dynamic input to read
output: OutputArtifact, # Output to write
my_data: MyData # Additional args used in the dynamic action
# Read content of dynamic artifact
content = file.read_string()

# Process content and run actions
processed_content = ...
bxl_actions = bxl_ctx.bxl_actions().actions
bxl_actions.write(output, processed_content)
return []

5. Use it in your bxl main function

def _main(bxl_ctx: bxl.Context):
# Prepare input/output artifacts
input_file = ...
output = bxl_actions.declare_output("output.txt")

dep_file = input_file,
output = output.as_output()

# Don't forgot ensure it to get the output to be materialized


  • ctx.output is not available from a dynamic lambda. This means you can’t ensure artifacts or print cached outputs within a dynamic lambda.
  • Error messages from skipping incompatible targets are only emitted to the console, and not cached in the stderr
  • build() is not available from a dynamic lambda
  • bxl_actions in a dynamic lambda always inherits the execution platform resolution of the root/parent BXL.
    • The expected usage of bxl_actions from within a dynamic lambda is to instantiate it without any named parameters, but the exec_deps and toolchains of the execution platform resolution are accessible, and return the same values as the root/parent BXL
  • Profiling is not hooked up to dynamic BXL context


Examples can be found at 'tests/core/bxl/test_dynamic_new_data/dynamic.bxl' of buck2 repo folder.

Run such command at tests/core/bxl/test_dynamic_new_data/ to run the example bxl script

buck2 bxl dynamic.bxl:basic