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The context for performing aquery operations in bxl. The functions offered on this ctx are the same behaviour as the query functions available within aquery command.

Query results are target_sets of action_query_nodes, which supports iteration, indexing, len(), set addition/subtraction, and equals().


def AqueryContext.all_actions(
targets: ConfiguredTargetLabel | TargetLabel | bxl.ConfiguredTargetNode | bxl.UnconfiguredTargetNode | label | providers_label | str | target_set | target_set | target_set | target_set | list[ConfiguredTargetLabel | TargetLabel | bxl.ActionQueryNode | bxl.ConfiguredTargetNode | bxl.UnconfiguredTargetNode | label | providers_label | str],
) -> target_set

Obtain all the actions declared within the analysis of a given target.

This operation only makes sense on a target literal (it is a simple passthrough when passed an action).


def AqueryContext.all_outputs(
targets: ConfiguredTargetLabel | TargetLabel | bxl.ConfiguredTargetNode | bxl.UnconfiguredTargetNode | label | providers_label | str | target_set | target_set | target_set | target_set | list[ConfiguredTargetLabel | TargetLabel | bxl.ActionQueryNode | bxl.ConfiguredTargetNode | bxl.UnconfiguredTargetNode | label | providers_label | str],
) -> target_set

Obtain the actions for all the outputs provided by the DefaultInfo for the targets passed as input. This includes both the default_outputs and other_outputs.

This operation only makes sense on a target literal (it does nothing if passed something else).


def AqueryContext.attrfilter(
attr: str,
value: str,
targets: ConfiguredTargetLabel | TargetLabel | bxl.ConfiguredTargetNode | bxl.UnconfiguredTargetNode | label | providers_label | str | target_set | target_set | target_set | target_set | list[ConfiguredTargetLabel | TargetLabel | bxl.ActionQueryNode | bxl.ConfiguredTargetNode | bxl.UnconfiguredTargetNode | label | providers_label | str],
) -> target_set

The attrfilter query for rule attribute filtering.


def AqueryContext.deps(
universe: ConfiguredTargetLabel | TargetLabel | bxl.ConfiguredTargetNode | bxl.UnconfiguredTargetNode | label | providers_label | str | target_set | target_set | target_set | target_set | list[ConfiguredTargetLabel | TargetLabel | bxl.ActionQueryNode | bxl.ConfiguredTargetNode | bxl.UnconfiguredTargetNode | label | providers_label | str],
depth: None | int = None,
filter: None | str = None,
) -> target_set

The deps query for finding the transitive closure of dependencies.


def AqueryContext.eval(
query: str,
query_args: None | target_set | list[str] = None,

Evaluates some general query string. query_args can be a target_set of unconfigured nodes, or a list of strings. Returns a dict of target labels mapped to their target_set results if query_args was passed in, otherwise returns a single target_set.

Sample usage:

def _impl_eval(ctx):
result = ctx.aquery().eval(":foo")