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For rule authors see also: Configurations

When building a target, buck always builds it in a particular "configuration." The configuration typically includes information like the target os, target arch, sanitizers, opt level, etc. One way to understand the effect that a configuration has is via the cquery and uquery commands. The cquery command will compute the appropriate configuration for a target and display a version of that target's attributes with the configuration applied. The uquery command will not apply a configuration.

Here is a heavily trimmed version of the outputs of invoking uquery and cquery on //buck2/app/buck2_core:buck2_core.

> buck2 uquery -A '"//buck2/app/buck2_core:buck2_core"'
"fbcode//buck2/app/buck2_core:buck2_core": {
"buck.type": "rust_library",
"buck.package": "fbcode//buck2/app/buck2_core:TARGETS",
"name": "buck2_core",
"visibility": [
"deps": {
"__type": "selector",
"entries": {
"DEFAULT": [],
"ovr_config//os:windows": [
"__type": "selector",
"entries": {
"DEFAULT": [],
"ovr_config//os:linux": [
> buck2 cquery -A '"//buck2/app/buck2_core:buck2_core"'
"fbcode//buck2/app/buck2_core:buck2_core (ovr_config//platform/linux:<OMITTED>)": {
"buck.type": "rust_library",
"buck.package": "fbcode//buck2/app/buck2_core:TARGETS",
"buck.target_configuration": "ovr_config//platform/linux:<OMITTED>",
"buck.execution_platform": "fbcode//buck2/platform/<OMITTED>",
"name": "buck2_core",
"visibility": [
"deps": [
"fbsource//third-party/rust:anyhow (ovr_config//platform/linux:<OMITTED>)",
"fbsource//third-party/rust:arc-swap (ovr_config//platform/linux:<OMITTED>)",
"fbsource//third-party/rust:blake3 (ovr_config//platform/linux:<OMITTED>)",
"fbsource//third-party/rust:compact_str (ovr_config//platform/linux:<OMITTED>)",
"fbsource//third-party/rust:dashmap (ovr_config//platform/linux:<OMITTED>)",
"fbsource//third-party/rust:nix (ovr_config//platform/linux:<OMITTED>)"

The cquery output has additional buck.target_configuration and buck.execution_platform attributes which tell you what the target is being built for and what it's being built on, respectively. uquery doesn't have those.

The deps in uquery also have a number of selects; these indicate that the common-path dependency should only be included when building for Windows, while the nix dependency is needed only for Linux. In cquery that distinction has been resolved; because the target has been configured for Linux, the nix dependency is present and indistinguishable from any other, while the common-path dependency is gone.