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Build Rule

A build rule is a procedure for producing output files from a set of input files in the context of a specified build configuration. Build rules are specified in build files—typically named BUCK. Note: A build rule must explicitly specify, in its arguments, all of its required inputs in order for Buck2 to be able to build the rule's output in a way that is deterministic and reproducible.

Buck2's collection of build rules

Buck2 comes with a collection of built-in build rules for many common build procedures. For example, compiling Java code against the Android SDK is a common procedure, so Buck2 provides the build rule android_library to do that. Similarly, the final product of most Android development is an APK, so you can use the build rule android_binary to create an APK.

Source files as inputs to build rules

Most build rules specify source files as inputs. For example, a cxx_library rule would specify .cpp files as inputs. To support specifying these files, a cxx_library rule provides the srcs argument. Some languages, such as C++, use header files as well. To specify these, cxx_library provides a headers argument. In addition to srcs and headers, some rules provide variants of these arguments, such as platform_srcs and platform_headers. These arguments support groups of source files that should be used as inputs only when building for specific platforms.

Package boundaries and access to source files

In Buck2, a BUCK file defines a package, which corresponds roughly to the directory that contains the BUCK file and those subdirectories that do not themselves contain BUCK files. (To learn more, see the Key Concepts topic.) A rule in a BUCK file cannot specify a source file as an input unless that source file is in that BUCK file's package. An exception to this restriction exists for header files, but only if a rule in the package that contains the header file exports that header file using the exported_headers argument. For more details, see the description for exported_headers in, for example, the cxx_library topic. More commonly though, the package for a BUCK file contains all the source files required for the rules defined in that BUCK file. Functionality in source files from other packages is made available through the artifacts produced by the rules in the BUCK files for those packages. For example, a cxx_binary might use the functionality in a cxx_library that is defined in another package. To access that functionality, the cxx_binary would take that cxx_library as a dependency.

We recommend that you do not use symlinks—either absolute or relative—to specify input files to build rules. Although using symlinks in this context does sometimes work, it can lead to unexpected behavior and errors.

Dependencies: Output from one rule as input to another rule

A build rule can use the output from another build rule as one of its inputs by specifying that rule as a dependency. Typically, a build rule specifies its dependencies as a list of build targets in its deps argument. However, the rule can also specify dependencies—as build targets—in other arguments, such as srcs. Example: The output of a java_library rule is a JAR file. If a java_library rule specifies another java_library rule as a dependency, the JAR file produced by the specified rule is added to the classpath for the java_library that depends on it. Example: If a java_binary rule specifies a java_library rule as a dependency, the JAR file for the specified java_library is available on the classpath for the java_binary. In addition, in the case of java_binary, the JAR files for any dependencies of the java_library rule are also made available to the java_binary rule—and if those dependencies have dependencies of their own, they are added as well. This exhaustive cascade of dependencies is referred to as the rule's transitive closure.

Required dependencies are always built first

Buck2 guarantees that any dependencies that a rule lists that are required in order to build that rule are built successfully before Buck2 builds the rule itself. Note though that there can be special cases—such as apple_bundle—where a rule's listed dependencies do not actually need to be built before the rule.


In order for a build rule to take a dependency on another build rule, the build rule on which the dependency is taken must be visible to the build rule taking the dependency. A build rule's visibility argument is a list of build target patterns that specify the rules that can take that rule as a dependency. For more information about the concept of visibility in Buck2, see the Visibility topic.

Dependencies define a graph

Build rules and their dependencies define a directed acyclic graph (DAG). Buck2 requires this graph to be acyclic to make it possible to build independent subgraphs in parallel.

How to handle special cases: genrules and macros

Although Buck2 provides a rich set of built-in build rules for developers, it is not able to address all possible needs. As an "escape hatch," Buck2 provides a category of generic build rules called genrules. With genrules, you can perform arbitrary operations using shell scripts. The genrules supported by Buck2 are:

Multiple output files with genrules

In most cases, a build rule produces exactly one output file. However, with genrules, you can specify an output directory and write arbitrary files to that directory.


Finally, note that you can define functions that generate build rules. In general, this should not be something that you need to do, but taking advantage of this option might help you add needed functionality to Buck2's without editing its source code.

String parameter macros

It is also possible to expand references to other rules within the cmd, using builtin string parameter macros. All build rules expanded in the command are automatically considered to be dependencies of the genrule().

Note that the paths returned by these macros are relative paths. Using relative paths ensures that your builds are hermetic, that is, they are reproducible across different machine environments.

$(classpath //path/to:target)

Expands to the transitive classpath of the specified build rule, provided that the rule has a Java classpath. If the rule does not have (or contribute to) a classpath, then an exception is thrown and the build breaks.

$(exe //path/to:target)

Expands a build rule that results in an executable to the commands necessary to run that executable. For example, a java_binary() might expand to a call to java -jar path/to/target.jar . Files that are executable (perhaps generated by a genrule()) are also expanded. If the build rule does not generate an executable output, then an exception is thrown and the build breaks.

If the $(exe my_dependency) dependency should actually be built with the target platform, use $(exe_target my_dependency) instead, which will stick to the same platform as the target.

$(location //path/to:target)

Expands to the location of the output of the specified build rule. This means that you can refer to the output without needing to be aware of how Buck is storing data on the disk mid-build.