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These are the flags/commands under buck2 audit and their --help output:

Perform lower level queries

Usage: buck2-release audit [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  cell                           Query information about the [cells] list in .buckconfig.
  classpath                      Prints out a target's classpaths if it has one.
                                     This command is deprecated and currently available for
                                     compatibility with buck1.
                                     We will replace this command with something that can audit the
                                     entire `TemplatePlaceholderInfo` in the future.
  config                         buck audit config
  configurations                 prints the constraints for configuration IDs
  includes                       list build file extensions imported at parse time.
  prelude                        print the interpreter prelude to stdout
  providers                      prints out the providers for a target pattern
  subtargets                     Print all subtargets
  analysis-queries               buck audit analysis resolving query attrs
  execution-platform-resolution  prints out information about execution platform resolution
  visibility                     Verify the visibility for transitive deps of the specified
                                 target(s) on the unconfigured target graph
  starlark                       Debug Starlark interpreter
  dep-files                      prints out the select files for a command
  deferred-materializer          Access and interact with the deferred materializer
  output                         Query the action that produced the output artifact. Does not
                                 support BXL, test, scratch, or anon artifacts. If the configuration
                                 hash of the output path does not match the current platform
                                 configuration, the unconfigured target label will be returned.
  parse                          Parses the buck-out path into parts that may be useful (ex: config
                                 hash, file path to artifact).
  package-values                 Inspect package values
  help                           Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Universal Options:
  -v, --verbose <VERBOSITY>
          How verbose buck should be while logging.
          Values: 0 = Quiet, errors only; 1 = Show status. Default; 2 = more info about errors; 3 =
          more info about everything; 4 = more info about everything + stderr;
          It can be combined with specific log items (stderr, full_failed_command, commands,
          actions, status, stats, success) to fine-tune the verbosity of the log. Example usage
          [default: 1]

      --oncall <ONCALL>
          The oncall executing this command

      --client-metadata <CLIENT_METADATA>
          Metadata key-value pairs to inject into Buck2's logging. Client metadata must be of the
          form `key=value`, where `key` is a snake_case identifier, and will be sent to backend

Query information about the [cells] list in .buckconfig.

Usage: buck2-release audit cell [OPTIONS] [CELL_ALIASES]...

          Cell aliases to query. These aliases will be resolved in the working directory cell.

          Output in JSON format

          Don't include the cell name in the output

          If enabled and no explicit aliases are passed, will query for all aliases in the working
          directory cell.

      --modifier <VALUE>
          This option is not used

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Buckconfig Options:
  -c, --config <SECTION.OPTION=VALUE>
          List of config options

      --config-file <PATH>
          List of config file paths

      --fake-host <HOST>
          [possible values: default, linux, macos, windows]

      --fake-arch <ARCH>
          [possible values: default, aarch64, x8664]

      --fake-xcode-version <VERSION-BUILD>
          Value must be formatted as: version-build (e.g., 14.3.0-14C18 or 14.1-14B47b)

          Re-uses any `--config` values (inline or via modefiles) if there's a previous command,
          otherwise the flag is ignored.
          If there is a previous command and `--reuse-current-config` is set, then the old config is
          used, ignoring any overrides.
          If there is no previous command but the flag was set, then the flag is ignored, the
          command behaves as if the flag was not set at all.

          Used for exiting a concurrent command when a different state is detected

      --preemptible <PREEMPTIBLE>
          Used to configure when this command could be preempted by another command for the same
          isolation dir.
          Normally, when you run two commands - from different terminals, say - buck2 will attempt
          to run them in parallel. However, if the two commands are based on different state, that
          is they either have different configs or different filesystem states, buck2 cannot run
          them in parallel. The default behavior in this case is to block the second command until
          the first completes.

          Possible values:
          - never:            (default) When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with
            this one, block that command
          - always:           When another command starts, interrupt this command, *even if they
            could run in parallel*. There is no good reason to use this other than that it provides
            slightly nicer superconsole output
          - ondifferentstate: When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with this one,
            interrupt this command

Starlark Options:
          Disable runtime type checking in Starlark interpreter.
          This option is not stable, and can be used only locally to diagnose evaluation performance

          Record or show target call stacks.
          Starlark call stacks will be included in duplicate targets error.
          If a command outputs targets (like `targets` command), starlark call stacks will be
          printed after the targets.

Console Options:
      --console <super|simple|...>
          Which console to use for this command
          [env: BUCK_CONSOLE=]
          [default: auto]
          [possible values: auto, none, simple, simplenotty, simpletty, super]

      --ui <UI>...
          Configure additional superconsole ui components.
          Accepts a comma-separated list of superconsole components to add. Possible values are:
          dice - shows information about evaluated dice nodes debugevents - shows information about
          the flow of events from buckd
          These components can be turned on/off interactively. Press 'h' for help when superconsole
          is active.

          Possible values:
          - dice
          - debugevents
          - io:          I/O panel
          - re:          RE panel

          Disable console interactions

Event Log Options:
      --event-log <PATH>
          Write events to this log file

      --write-build-id <PATH>
          Write command invocation id into this file

      --unstable-write-invocation-record <PATH>
          Write the invocation record (as JSON) to this path. No guarantees whatsoever are made
          regarding the stability of the format

      --command-report-path <PATH>
          Write the command report to this path. A command report is always written to
          `buck-out/v2/<uuid>/command_report` even without this flag

Universal Options:
  -v, --verbose <VERBOSITY>
          How verbose buck should be while logging.
          Values: 0 = Quiet, errors only; 1 = Show status. Default; 2 = more info about errors; 3 =
          more info about everything; 4 = more info about everything + stderr;
          It can be combined with specific log items (stderr, full_failed_command, commands,
          actions, status, stats, success) to fine-tune the verbosity of the log. Example usage
          [default: 1]

      --oncall <ONCALL>
          The oncall executing this command

      --client-metadata <CLIENT_METADATA>
          Metadata key-value pairs to inject into Buck2's logging. Client metadata must be of the
          form `key=value`, where `key` is a snake_case identifier, and will be sent to backend

Prints out a target's classpaths if it has one.
    This command is deprecated and currently available for compatibility with buck1.
    We will replace this command with something that can audit the entire `TemplatePlaceholderInfo`
    in the future.

Usage: buck2-release audit classpath [OPTIONS] [TARGET_PATTERNS]...

          Target patterns to audit

          Output in JSON format

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Target Configuration Options:
      --target-platforms <PLATFORM>
          Configuration target (one) to use to configure targets

  -m, --modifier <VALUE>
          A configuration modifier to configure all targets on the command line. This may be a
          constraint value target.

Buckconfig Options:
  -c, --config <SECTION.OPTION=VALUE>
          List of config options

      --config-file <PATH>
          List of config file paths

      --fake-host <HOST>
          [possible values: default, linux, macos, windows]

      --fake-arch <ARCH>
          [possible values: default, aarch64, x8664]

      --fake-xcode-version <VERSION-BUILD>
          Value must be formatted as: version-build (e.g., 14.3.0-14C18 or 14.1-14B47b)

          Re-uses any `--config` values (inline or via modefiles) if there's a previous command,
          otherwise the flag is ignored.
          If there is a previous command and `--reuse-current-config` is set, then the old config is
          used, ignoring any overrides.
          If there is no previous command but the flag was set, then the flag is ignored, the
          command behaves as if the flag was not set at all.

          Used for exiting a concurrent command when a different state is detected

      --preemptible <PREEMPTIBLE>
          Used to configure when this command could be preempted by another command for the same
          isolation dir.
          Normally, when you run two commands - from different terminals, say - buck2 will attempt
          to run them in parallel. However, if the two commands are based on different state, that
          is they either have different configs or different filesystem states, buck2 cannot run
          them in parallel. The default behavior in this case is to block the second command until
          the first completes.

          Possible values:
          - never:            (default) When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with
            this one, block that command
          - always:           When another command starts, interrupt this command, *even if they
            could run in parallel*. There is no good reason to use this other than that it provides
            slightly nicer superconsole output
          - ondifferentstate: When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with this one,
            interrupt this command

Starlark Options:
          Disable runtime type checking in Starlark interpreter.
          This option is not stable, and can be used only locally to diagnose evaluation performance

          Record or show target call stacks.
          Starlark call stacks will be included in duplicate targets error.
          If a command outputs targets (like `targets` command), starlark call stacks will be
          printed after the targets.

Console Options:
      --console <super|simple|...>
          Which console to use for this command
          [env: BUCK_CONSOLE=]
          [default: auto]
          [possible values: auto, none, simple, simplenotty, simpletty, super]

      --ui <UI>...
          Configure additional superconsole ui components.
          Accepts a comma-separated list of superconsole components to add. Possible values are:
          dice - shows information about evaluated dice nodes debugevents - shows information about
          the flow of events from buckd
          These components can be turned on/off interactively. Press 'h' for help when superconsole
          is active.

          Possible values:
          - dice
          - debugevents
          - io:          I/O panel
          - re:          RE panel

          Disable console interactions

Event Log Options:
      --event-log <PATH>
          Write events to this log file

      --write-build-id <PATH>
          Write command invocation id into this file

      --unstable-write-invocation-record <PATH>
          Write the invocation record (as JSON) to this path. No guarantees whatsoever are made
          regarding the stability of the format

      --command-report-path <PATH>
          Write the command report to this path. A command report is always written to
          `buck-out/v2/<uuid>/command_report` even without this flag

Universal Options:
  -v, --verbose <VERBOSITY>
          How verbose buck should be while logging.
          Values: 0 = Quiet, errors only; 1 = Show status. Default; 2 = more info about errors; 3 =
          more info about everything; 4 = more info about everything + stderr;
          It can be combined with specific log items (stderr, full_failed_command, commands,
          actions, status, stats, success) to fine-tune the verbosity of the log. Example usage
          [default: 1]

      --oncall <ONCALL>
          The oncall executing this command

      --client-metadata <CLIENT_METADATA>
          Metadata key-value pairs to inject into Buck2's logging. Client metadata must be of the
          form `key=value`, where `key` is a snake_case identifier, and will be sent to backend

buck audit config

Usage: buck2-release audit config [OPTIONS] [SPECS]...

          config section/key specs of the form `section` or `section.key`. If any specs are
          provided, only values matching a spec will be printed (section headers will be printed
          only for sections with a key matching the spec)

      --cell <CELL>

          Produce information for all cells that Buck2 knows about

      --output-format <OUTPUT_FORMAT>
          [possible values: simple, json]


      --location <LOCATION_STYLE>
          [default: none]
          [possible values: none, direct, extended]

      --value <VALUE_STYLE>
          [default: resolved]
          [possible values: resolved, raw, both]

      --modifier <VALUE>
          This option is not used

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Buckconfig Options:
  -c, --config <SECTION.OPTION=VALUE>
          List of config options

      --config-file <PATH>
          List of config file paths

      --fake-host <HOST>
          [possible values: default, linux, macos, windows]

      --fake-arch <ARCH>
          [possible values: default, aarch64, x8664]

      --fake-xcode-version <VERSION-BUILD>
          Value must be formatted as: version-build (e.g., 14.3.0-14C18 or 14.1-14B47b)

          Re-uses any `--config` values (inline or via modefiles) if there's a previous command,
          otherwise the flag is ignored.
          If there is a previous command and `--reuse-current-config` is set, then the old config is
          used, ignoring any overrides.
          If there is no previous command but the flag was set, then the flag is ignored, the
          command behaves as if the flag was not set at all.

          Used for exiting a concurrent command when a different state is detected

      --preemptible <PREEMPTIBLE>
          Used to configure when this command could be preempted by another command for the same
          isolation dir.
          Normally, when you run two commands - from different terminals, say - buck2 will attempt
          to run them in parallel. However, if the two commands are based on different state, that
          is they either have different configs or different filesystem states, buck2 cannot run
          them in parallel. The default behavior in this case is to block the second command until
          the first completes.

          Possible values:
          - never:            (default) When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with
            this one, block that command
          - always:           When another command starts, interrupt this command, *even if they
            could run in parallel*. There is no good reason to use this other than that it provides
            slightly nicer superconsole output
          - ondifferentstate: When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with this one,
            interrupt this command

Starlark Options:
          Disable runtime type checking in Starlark interpreter.
          This option is not stable, and can be used only locally to diagnose evaluation performance

          Record or show target call stacks.
          Starlark call stacks will be included in duplicate targets error.
          If a command outputs targets (like `targets` command), starlark call stacks will be
          printed after the targets.

Console Options:
      --console <super|simple|...>
          Which console to use for this command
          [env: BUCK_CONSOLE=]
          [default: auto]
          [possible values: auto, none, simple, simplenotty, simpletty, super]

      --ui <UI>...
          Configure additional superconsole ui components.
          Accepts a comma-separated list of superconsole components to add. Possible values are:
          dice - shows information about evaluated dice nodes debugevents - shows information about
          the flow of events from buckd
          These components can be turned on/off interactively. Press 'h' for help when superconsole
          is active.

          Possible values:
          - dice
          - debugevents
          - io:          I/O panel
          - re:          RE panel

          Disable console interactions

Event Log Options:
      --event-log <PATH>
          Write events to this log file

      --write-build-id <PATH>
          Write command invocation id into this file

      --unstable-write-invocation-record <PATH>
          Write the invocation record (as JSON) to this path. No guarantees whatsoever are made
          regarding the stability of the format

      --command-report-path <PATH>
          Write the command report to this path. A command report is always written to
          `buck-out/v2/<uuid>/command_report` even without this flag

Universal Options:
  -v, --verbose <VERBOSITY>
          How verbose buck should be while logging.
          Values: 0 = Quiet, errors only; 1 = Show status. Default; 2 = more info about errors; 3 =
          more info about everything; 4 = more info about everything + stderr;
          It can be combined with specific log items (stderr, full_failed_command, commands,
          actions, status, stats, success) to fine-tune the verbosity of the log. Example usage
          [default: 1]

      --oncall <ONCALL>
          The oncall executing this command

      --client-metadata <CLIENT_METADATA>
          Metadata key-value pairs to inject into Buck2's logging. Client metadata must be of the
          form `key=value`, where `key` is a snake_case identifier, and will be sent to backend

prints the constraints for configuration IDs

Usage: buck2-release audit configurations [OPTIONS] [configurations]...

          configurations to audit (example: `cell//package:target-105fe3389fc7e436`). If none
          provided, will print information about all known configurations.

      --modifier <VALUE>
          This option is not used

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Buckconfig Options:
  -c, --config <SECTION.OPTION=VALUE>
          List of config options

      --config-file <PATH>
          List of config file paths

      --fake-host <HOST>
          [possible values: default, linux, macos, windows]

      --fake-arch <ARCH>
          [possible values: default, aarch64, x8664]

      --fake-xcode-version <VERSION-BUILD>
          Value must be formatted as: version-build (e.g., 14.3.0-14C18 or 14.1-14B47b)

          Re-uses any `--config` values (inline or via modefiles) if there's a previous command,
          otherwise the flag is ignored.
          If there is a previous command and `--reuse-current-config` is set, then the old config is
          used, ignoring any overrides.
          If there is no previous command but the flag was set, then the flag is ignored, the
          command behaves as if the flag was not set at all.

          Used for exiting a concurrent command when a different state is detected

      --preemptible <PREEMPTIBLE>
          Used to configure when this command could be preempted by another command for the same
          isolation dir.
          Normally, when you run two commands - from different terminals, say - buck2 will attempt
          to run them in parallel. However, if the two commands are based on different state, that
          is they either have different configs or different filesystem states, buck2 cannot run
          them in parallel. The default behavior in this case is to block the second command until
          the first completes.

          Possible values:
          - never:            (default) When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with
            this one, block that command
          - always:           When another command starts, interrupt this command, *even if they
            could run in parallel*. There is no good reason to use this other than that it provides
            slightly nicer superconsole output
          - ondifferentstate: When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with this one,
            interrupt this command

Starlark Options:
          Disable runtime type checking in Starlark interpreter.
          This option is not stable, and can be used only locally to diagnose evaluation performance

          Record or show target call stacks.
          Starlark call stacks will be included in duplicate targets error.
          If a command outputs targets (like `targets` command), starlark call stacks will be
          printed after the targets.

Console Options:
      --console <super|simple|...>
          Which console to use for this command
          [env: BUCK_CONSOLE=]
          [default: auto]
          [possible values: auto, none, simple, simplenotty, simpletty, super]

      --ui <UI>...
          Configure additional superconsole ui components.
          Accepts a comma-separated list of superconsole components to add. Possible values are:
          dice - shows information about evaluated dice nodes debugevents - shows information about
          the flow of events from buckd
          These components can be turned on/off interactively. Press 'h' for help when superconsole
          is active.

          Possible values:
          - dice
          - debugevents
          - io:          I/O panel
          - re:          RE panel

          Disable console interactions

Event Log Options:
      --event-log <PATH>
          Write events to this log file

      --write-build-id <PATH>
          Write command invocation id into this file

      --unstable-write-invocation-record <PATH>
          Write the invocation record (as JSON) to this path. No guarantees whatsoever are made
          regarding the stability of the format

      --command-report-path <PATH>
          Write the command report to this path. A command report is always written to
          `buck-out/v2/<uuid>/command_report` even without this flag

Universal Options:
  -v, --verbose <VERBOSITY>
          How verbose buck should be while logging.
          Values: 0 = Quiet, errors only; 1 = Show status. Default; 2 = more info about errors; 3 =
          more info about everything; 4 = more info about everything + stderr;
          It can be combined with specific log items (stderr, full_failed_command, commands,
          actions, status, stats, success) to fine-tune the verbosity of the log. Example usage
          [default: 1]

      --oncall <ONCALL>
          The oncall executing this command

      --client-metadata <CLIENT_METADATA>
          Metadata key-value pairs to inject into Buck2's logging. Client metadata must be of the
          form `key=value`, where `key` is a snake_case identifier, and will be sent to backend

list build file extensions imported at parse time.

Usage: buck2-release audit includes [OPTIONS] [BUILD_FILES]...

          Build files to audit. These are expected to be relative paths from the working dir cell.

          Print json representation of outputs

      --modifier <VALUE>
          This option is not used

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Buckconfig Options:
  -c, --config <SECTION.OPTION=VALUE>
          List of config options

      --config-file <PATH>
          List of config file paths

      --fake-host <HOST>
          [possible values: default, linux, macos, windows]

      --fake-arch <ARCH>
          [possible values: default, aarch64, x8664]

      --fake-xcode-version <VERSION-BUILD>
          Value must be formatted as: version-build (e.g., 14.3.0-14C18 or 14.1-14B47b)

          Re-uses any `--config` values (inline or via modefiles) if there's a previous command,
          otherwise the flag is ignored.
          If there is a previous command and `--reuse-current-config` is set, then the old config is
          used, ignoring any overrides.
          If there is no previous command but the flag was set, then the flag is ignored, the
          command behaves as if the flag was not set at all.

          Used for exiting a concurrent command when a different state is detected

      --preemptible <PREEMPTIBLE>
          Used to configure when this command could be preempted by another command for the same
          isolation dir.
          Normally, when you run two commands - from different terminals, say - buck2 will attempt
          to run them in parallel. However, if the two commands are based on different state, that
          is they either have different configs or different filesystem states, buck2 cannot run
          them in parallel. The default behavior in this case is to block the second command until
          the first completes.

          Possible values:
          - never:            (default) When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with
            this one, block that command
          - always:           When another command starts, interrupt this command, *even if they
            could run in parallel*. There is no good reason to use this other than that it provides
            slightly nicer superconsole output
          - ondifferentstate: When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with this one,
            interrupt this command

Starlark Options:
          Disable runtime type checking in Starlark interpreter.
          This option is not stable, and can be used only locally to diagnose evaluation performance

          Record or show target call stacks.
          Starlark call stacks will be included in duplicate targets error.
          If a command outputs targets (like `targets` command), starlark call stacks will be
          printed after the targets.

Console Options:
      --console <super|simple|...>
          Which console to use for this command
          [env: BUCK_CONSOLE=]
          [default: auto]
          [possible values: auto, none, simple, simplenotty, simpletty, super]

      --ui <UI>...
          Configure additional superconsole ui components.
          Accepts a comma-separated list of superconsole components to add. Possible values are:
          dice - shows information about evaluated dice nodes debugevents - shows information about
          the flow of events from buckd
          These components can be turned on/off interactively. Press 'h' for help when superconsole
          is active.

          Possible values:
          - dice
          - debugevents
          - io:          I/O panel
          - re:          RE panel

          Disable console interactions

Event Log Options:
      --event-log <PATH>
          Write events to this log file

      --write-build-id <PATH>
          Write command invocation id into this file

      --unstable-write-invocation-record <PATH>
          Write the invocation record (as JSON) to this path. No guarantees whatsoever are made
          regarding the stability of the format

      --command-report-path <PATH>
          Write the command report to this path. A command report is always written to
          `buck-out/v2/<uuid>/command_report` even without this flag

Universal Options:
  -v, --verbose <VERBOSITY>
          How verbose buck should be while logging.
          Values: 0 = Quiet, errors only; 1 = Show status. Default; 2 = more info about errors; 3 =
          more info about everything; 4 = more info about everything + stderr;
          It can be combined with specific log items (stderr, full_failed_command, commands,
          actions, status, stats, success) to fine-tune the verbosity of the log. Example usage
          [default: 1]

      --oncall <ONCALL>
          The oncall executing this command

      --client-metadata <CLIENT_METADATA>
          Metadata key-value pairs to inject into Buck2's logging. Client metadata must be of the
          form `key=value`, where `key` is a snake_case identifier, and will be sent to backend

print the interpreter prelude to stdout

Usage: buck2-release audit prelude [OPTIONS]

      --modifier <VALUE>
          This option is not used

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Buckconfig Options:
  -c, --config <SECTION.OPTION=VALUE>
          List of config options

      --config-file <PATH>
          List of config file paths

      --fake-host <HOST>
          [possible values: default, linux, macos, windows]

      --fake-arch <ARCH>
          [possible values: default, aarch64, x8664]

      --fake-xcode-version <VERSION-BUILD>
          Value must be formatted as: version-build (e.g., 14.3.0-14C18 or 14.1-14B47b)

          Re-uses any `--config` values (inline or via modefiles) if there's a previous command,
          otherwise the flag is ignored.
          If there is a previous command and `--reuse-current-config` is set, then the old config is
          used, ignoring any overrides.
          If there is no previous command but the flag was set, then the flag is ignored, the
          command behaves as if the flag was not set at all.

          Used for exiting a concurrent command when a different state is detected

      --preemptible <PREEMPTIBLE>
          Used to configure when this command could be preempted by another command for the same
          isolation dir.
          Normally, when you run two commands - from different terminals, say - buck2 will attempt
          to run them in parallel. However, if the two commands are based on different state, that
          is they either have different configs or different filesystem states, buck2 cannot run
          them in parallel. The default behavior in this case is to block the second command until
          the first completes.

          Possible values:
          - never:            (default) When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with
            this one, block that command
          - always:           When another command starts, interrupt this command, *even if they
            could run in parallel*. There is no good reason to use this other than that it provides
            slightly nicer superconsole output
          - ondifferentstate: When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with this one,
            interrupt this command

Starlark Options:
          Disable runtime type checking in Starlark interpreter.
          This option is not stable, and can be used only locally to diagnose evaluation performance

          Record or show target call stacks.
          Starlark call stacks will be included in duplicate targets error.
          If a command outputs targets (like `targets` command), starlark call stacks will be
          printed after the targets.

Console Options:
      --console <super|simple|...>
          Which console to use for this command
          [env: BUCK_CONSOLE=]
          [default: auto]
          [possible values: auto, none, simple, simplenotty, simpletty, super]

      --ui <UI>...
          Configure additional superconsole ui components.
          Accepts a comma-separated list of superconsole components to add. Possible values are:
          dice - shows information about evaluated dice nodes debugevents - shows information about
          the flow of events from buckd
          These components can be turned on/off interactively. Press 'h' for help when superconsole
          is active.

          Possible values:
          - dice
          - debugevents
          - io:          I/O panel
          - re:          RE panel

          Disable console interactions

Event Log Options:
      --event-log <PATH>
          Write events to this log file

      --write-build-id <PATH>
          Write command invocation id into this file

      --unstable-write-invocation-record <PATH>
          Write the invocation record (as JSON) to this path. No guarantees whatsoever are made
          regarding the stability of the format

      --command-report-path <PATH>
          Write the command report to this path. A command report is always written to
          `buck-out/v2/<uuid>/command_report` even without this flag

Universal Options:
  -v, --verbose <VERBOSITY>
          How verbose buck should be while logging.
          Values: 0 = Quiet, errors only; 1 = Show status. Default; 2 = more info about errors; 3 =
          more info about everything; 4 = more info about everything + stderr;
          It can be combined with specific log items (stderr, full_failed_command, commands,
          actions, status, stats, success) to fine-tune the verbosity of the log. Example usage
          [default: 1]

      --oncall <ONCALL>
          The oncall executing this command

      --client-metadata <CLIENT_METADATA>
          Metadata key-value pairs to inject into Buck2's logging. Client metadata must be of the
          form `key=value`, where `key` is a snake_case identifier, and will be sent to backend

prints out the providers for a target pattern

Usage: buck2-release audit providers [OPTIONS] <TARGET_PATTERNS>...

          Patterns to analyze


  -l, --list
          List the available providers

          Print the providers using debug format (very verbose)

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Target Configuration Options:
  -u, --target-universe <TARGET_UNIVERSE>
          Comma separated list of targets to construct a configured target universe.
          When the option is specified, command targets are be resolved in this universe.
          Additionally, `--target-platforms=` and `--modifier=` flags are be used to configure the
          universe targets, not the command targets.
          This argument is particularly recommended on most non-trivial cqueries. In the absence of
          this argument, buck2 will use the target literals in your cquery expression as the value
          this argument, which may not be what you want.

      --target-platforms <PLATFORM>
          Configuration target (one) to use to configure targets

  -m, --modifier <VALUE>
          A configuration modifier to configure all targets on the command line. This may be a
          constraint value target.

Buckconfig Options:
  -c, --config <SECTION.OPTION=VALUE>
          List of config options

      --config-file <PATH>
          List of config file paths

      --fake-host <HOST>
          [possible values: default, linux, macos, windows]

      --fake-arch <ARCH>
          [possible values: default, aarch64, x8664]

      --fake-xcode-version <VERSION-BUILD>
          Value must be formatted as: version-build (e.g., 14.3.0-14C18 or 14.1-14B47b)

          Re-uses any `--config` values (inline or via modefiles) if there's a previous command,
          otherwise the flag is ignored.
          If there is a previous command and `--reuse-current-config` is set, then the old config is
          used, ignoring any overrides.
          If there is no previous command but the flag was set, then the flag is ignored, the
          command behaves as if the flag was not set at all.

          Used for exiting a concurrent command when a different state is detected

      --preemptible <PREEMPTIBLE>
          Used to configure when this command could be preempted by another command for the same
          isolation dir.
          Normally, when you run two commands - from different terminals, say - buck2 will attempt
          to run them in parallel. However, if the two commands are based on different state, that
          is they either have different configs or different filesystem states, buck2 cannot run
          them in parallel. The default behavior in this case is to block the second command until
          the first completes.

          Possible values:
          - never:            (default) When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with
            this one, block that command
          - always:           When another command starts, interrupt this command, *even if they
            could run in parallel*. There is no good reason to use this other than that it provides
            slightly nicer superconsole output
          - ondifferentstate: When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with this one,
            interrupt this command

Starlark Options:
          Disable runtime type checking in Starlark interpreter.
          This option is not stable, and can be used only locally to diagnose evaluation performance

          Record or show target call stacks.
          Starlark call stacks will be included in duplicate targets error.
          If a command outputs targets (like `targets` command), starlark call stacks will be
          printed after the targets.

Console Options:
      --console <super|simple|...>
          Which console to use for this command
          [env: BUCK_CONSOLE=]
          [default: auto]
          [possible values: auto, none, simple, simplenotty, simpletty, super]

      --ui <UI>...
          Configure additional superconsole ui components.
          Accepts a comma-separated list of superconsole components to add. Possible values are:
          dice - shows information about evaluated dice nodes debugevents - shows information about
          the flow of events from buckd
          These components can be turned on/off interactively. Press 'h' for help when superconsole
          is active.

          Possible values:
          - dice
          - debugevents
          - io:          I/O panel
          - re:          RE panel

          Disable console interactions

Event Log Options:
      --event-log <PATH>
          Write events to this log file

      --write-build-id <PATH>
          Write command invocation id into this file

      --unstable-write-invocation-record <PATH>
          Write the invocation record (as JSON) to this path. No guarantees whatsoever are made
          regarding the stability of the format

      --command-report-path <PATH>
          Write the command report to this path. A command report is always written to
          `buck-out/v2/<uuid>/command_report` even without this flag

Universal Options:
  -v, --verbose <VERBOSITY>
          How verbose buck should be while logging.
          Values: 0 = Quiet, errors only; 1 = Show status. Default; 2 = more info about errors; 3 =
          more info about everything; 4 = more info about everything + stderr;
          It can be combined with specific log items (stderr, full_failed_command, commands,
          actions, status, stats, success) to fine-tune the verbosity of the log. Example usage
          [default: 1]

      --oncall <ONCALL>
          The oncall executing this command

      --client-metadata <CLIENT_METADATA>
          Metadata key-value pairs to inject into Buck2's logging. Client metadata must be of the
          form `key=value`, where `key` is a snake_case identifier, and will be sent to backend

Print all subtargets

Usage: buck2-release audit subtargets [OPTIONS] <TARGET_PATTERNS>...

          Patterns to analyze

          Do not recursively print all nested subtargets; print only the first level. This is set to
          false by default

          Print subtargets as JSON

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Target Configuration Options:
  -u, --target-universe <TARGET_UNIVERSE>
          Comma separated list of targets to construct a configured target universe.
          When the option is specified, command targets are be resolved in this universe.
          Additionally, `--target-platforms=` and `--modifier=` flags are be used to configure the
          universe targets, not the command targets.
          This argument is particularly recommended on most non-trivial cqueries. In the absence of
          this argument, buck2 will use the target literals in your cquery expression as the value
          this argument, which may not be what you want.

      --target-platforms <PLATFORM>
          Configuration target (one) to use to configure targets

  -m, --modifier <VALUE>
          A configuration modifier to configure all targets on the command line. This may be a
          constraint value target.

Buckconfig Options:
  -c, --config <SECTION.OPTION=VALUE>
          List of config options

      --config-file <PATH>
          List of config file paths

      --fake-host <HOST>
          [possible values: default, linux, macos, windows]

      --fake-arch <ARCH>
          [possible values: default, aarch64, x8664]

      --fake-xcode-version <VERSION-BUILD>
          Value must be formatted as: version-build (e.g., 14.3.0-14C18 or 14.1-14B47b)

          Re-uses any `--config` values (inline or via modefiles) if there's a previous command,
          otherwise the flag is ignored.
          If there is a previous command and `--reuse-current-config` is set, then the old config is
          used, ignoring any overrides.
          If there is no previous command but the flag was set, then the flag is ignored, the
          command behaves as if the flag was not set at all.

          Used for exiting a concurrent command when a different state is detected

      --preemptible <PREEMPTIBLE>
          Used to configure when this command could be preempted by another command for the same
          isolation dir.
          Normally, when you run two commands - from different terminals, say - buck2 will attempt
          to run them in parallel. However, if the two commands are based on different state, that
          is they either have different configs or different filesystem states, buck2 cannot run
          them in parallel. The default behavior in this case is to block the second command until
          the first completes.

          Possible values:
          - never:            (default) When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with
            this one, block that command
          - always:           When another command starts, interrupt this command, *even if they
            could run in parallel*. There is no good reason to use this other than that it provides
            slightly nicer superconsole output
          - ondifferentstate: When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with this one,
            interrupt this command

Starlark Options:
          Disable runtime type checking in Starlark interpreter.
          This option is not stable, and can be used only locally to diagnose evaluation performance

          Record or show target call stacks.
          Starlark call stacks will be included in duplicate targets error.
          If a command outputs targets (like `targets` command), starlark call stacks will be
          printed after the targets.

Console Options:
      --console <super|simple|...>
          Which console to use for this command
          [env: BUCK_CONSOLE=]
          [default: auto]
          [possible values: auto, none, simple, simplenotty, simpletty, super]

      --ui <UI>...
          Configure additional superconsole ui components.
          Accepts a comma-separated list of superconsole components to add. Possible values are:
          dice - shows information about evaluated dice nodes debugevents - shows information about
          the flow of events from buckd
          These components can be turned on/off interactively. Press 'h' for help when superconsole
          is active.

          Possible values:
          - dice
          - debugevents
          - io:          I/O panel
          - re:          RE panel

          Disable console interactions

Event Log Options:
      --event-log <PATH>
          Write events to this log file

      --write-build-id <PATH>
          Write command invocation id into this file

      --unstable-write-invocation-record <PATH>
          Write the invocation record (as JSON) to this path. No guarantees whatsoever are made
          regarding the stability of the format

      --command-report-path <PATH>
          Write the command report to this path. A command report is always written to
          `buck-out/v2/<uuid>/command_report` even without this flag

Universal Options:
  -v, --verbose <VERBOSITY>
          How verbose buck should be while logging.
          Values: 0 = Quiet, errors only; 1 = Show status. Default; 2 = more info about errors; 3 =
          more info about everything; 4 = more info about everything + stderr;
          It can be combined with specific log items (stderr, full_failed_command, commands,
          actions, status, stats, success) to fine-tune the verbosity of the log. Example usage
          [default: 1]

      --oncall <ONCALL>
          The oncall executing this command

      --client-metadata <CLIENT_METADATA>
          Metadata key-value pairs to inject into Buck2's logging. Client metadata must be of the
          form `key=value`, where `key` is a snake_case identifier, and will be sent to backend

buck audit analysis resolving query attrs

Usage: buck2-release audit analysis-queries [OPTIONS] [TARGET_PATTERNS]...

          Patterns to evaluate. The query attributes for targets matching these patterns will be

          Enable to print the outputs for the targets in the resolved queries

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Target Configuration Options:
  -u, --target-universe <TARGET_UNIVERSE>
          Comma separated list of targets to construct a configured target universe.
          When the option is specified, command targets are be resolved in this universe.
          Additionally, `--target-platforms=` and `--modifier=` flags are be used to configure the
          universe targets, not the command targets.
          This argument is particularly recommended on most non-trivial cqueries. In the absence of
          this argument, buck2 will use the target literals in your cquery expression as the value
          this argument, which may not be what you want.

      --target-platforms <PLATFORM>
          Configuration target (one) to use to configure targets

  -m, --modifier <VALUE>
          A configuration modifier to configure all targets on the command line. This may be a
          constraint value target.

Buckconfig Options:
  -c, --config <SECTION.OPTION=VALUE>
          List of config options

      --config-file <PATH>
          List of config file paths

      --fake-host <HOST>
          [possible values: default, linux, macos, windows]

      --fake-arch <ARCH>
          [possible values: default, aarch64, x8664]

      --fake-xcode-version <VERSION-BUILD>
          Value must be formatted as: version-build (e.g., 14.3.0-14C18 or 14.1-14B47b)

          Re-uses any `--config` values (inline or via modefiles) if there's a previous command,
          otherwise the flag is ignored.
          If there is a previous command and `--reuse-current-config` is set, then the old config is
          used, ignoring any overrides.
          If there is no previous command but the flag was set, then the flag is ignored, the
          command behaves as if the flag was not set at all.

          Used for exiting a concurrent command when a different state is detected

      --preemptible <PREEMPTIBLE>
          Used to configure when this command could be preempted by another command for the same
          isolation dir.
          Normally, when you run two commands - from different terminals, say - buck2 will attempt
          to run them in parallel. However, if the two commands are based on different state, that
          is they either have different configs or different filesystem states, buck2 cannot run
          them in parallel. The default behavior in this case is to block the second command until
          the first completes.

          Possible values:
          - never:            (default) When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with
            this one, block that command
          - always:           When another command starts, interrupt this command, *even if they
            could run in parallel*. There is no good reason to use this other than that it provides
            slightly nicer superconsole output
          - ondifferentstate: When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with this one,
            interrupt this command

Starlark Options:
          Disable runtime type checking in Starlark interpreter.
          This option is not stable, and can be used only locally to diagnose evaluation performance

          Record or show target call stacks.
          Starlark call stacks will be included in duplicate targets error.
          If a command outputs targets (like `targets` command), starlark call stacks will be
          printed after the targets.

Console Options:
      --console <super|simple|...>
          Which console to use for this command
          [env: BUCK_CONSOLE=]
          [default: auto]
          [possible values: auto, none, simple, simplenotty, simpletty, super]

      --ui <UI>...
          Configure additional superconsole ui components.
          Accepts a comma-separated list of superconsole components to add. Possible values are:
          dice - shows information about evaluated dice nodes debugevents - shows information about
          the flow of events from buckd
          These components can be turned on/off interactively. Press 'h' for help when superconsole
          is active.

          Possible values:
          - dice
          - debugevents
          - io:          I/O panel
          - re:          RE panel

          Disable console interactions

Event Log Options:
      --event-log <PATH>
          Write events to this log file

      --write-build-id <PATH>
          Write command invocation id into this file

      --unstable-write-invocation-record <PATH>
          Write the invocation record (as JSON) to this path. No guarantees whatsoever are made
          regarding the stability of the format

      --command-report-path <PATH>
          Write the command report to this path. A command report is always written to
          `buck-out/v2/<uuid>/command_report` even without this flag

Universal Options:
  -v, --verbose <VERBOSITY>
          How verbose buck should be while logging.
          Values: 0 = Quiet, errors only; 1 = Show status. Default; 2 = more info about errors; 3 =
          more info about everything; 4 = more info about everything + stderr;
          It can be combined with specific log items (stderr, full_failed_command, commands,
          actions, status, stats, success) to fine-tune the verbosity of the log. Example usage
          [default: 1]

      --oncall <ONCALL>
          The oncall executing this command

      --client-metadata <CLIENT_METADATA>
          Metadata key-value pairs to inject into Buck2's logging. Client metadata must be of the
          form `key=value`, where `key` is a snake_case identifier, and will be sent to backend

prints out information about execution platform resolution

Usage: buck2-release audit execution-platform-resolution [OPTIONS] [TARGET_PATTERNS]...

          Patterns to analyze

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Target Configuration Options:
  -u, --target-universe <TARGET_UNIVERSE>
          Comma separated list of targets to construct a configured target universe.
          When the option is specified, command targets are be resolved in this universe.
          Additionally, `--target-platforms=` and `--modifier=` flags are be used to configure the
          universe targets, not the command targets.
          This argument is particularly recommended on most non-trivial cqueries. In the absence of
          this argument, buck2 will use the target literals in your cquery expression as the value
          this argument, which may not be what you want.

      --target-platforms <PLATFORM>
          Configuration target (one) to use to configure targets

  -m, --modifier <VALUE>
          A configuration modifier to configure all targets on the command line. This may be a
          constraint value target.

Buckconfig Options:
  -c, --config <SECTION.OPTION=VALUE>
          List of config options

      --config-file <PATH>
          List of config file paths

      --fake-host <HOST>
          [possible values: default, linux, macos, windows]

      --fake-arch <ARCH>
          [possible values: default, aarch64, x8664]

      --fake-xcode-version <VERSION-BUILD>
          Value must be formatted as: version-build (e.g., 14.3.0-14C18 or 14.1-14B47b)

          Re-uses any `--config` values (inline or via modefiles) if there's a previous command,
          otherwise the flag is ignored.
          If there is a previous command and `--reuse-current-config` is set, then the old config is
          used, ignoring any overrides.
          If there is no previous command but the flag was set, then the flag is ignored, the
          command behaves as if the flag was not set at all.

          Used for exiting a concurrent command when a different state is detected

      --preemptible <PREEMPTIBLE>
          Used to configure when this command could be preempted by another command for the same
          isolation dir.
          Normally, when you run two commands - from different terminals, say - buck2 will attempt
          to run them in parallel. However, if the two commands are based on different state, that
          is they either have different configs or different filesystem states, buck2 cannot run
          them in parallel. The default behavior in this case is to block the second command until
          the first completes.

          Possible values:
          - never:            (default) When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with
            this one, block that command
          - always:           When another command starts, interrupt this command, *even if they
            could run in parallel*. There is no good reason to use this other than that it provides
            slightly nicer superconsole output
          - ondifferentstate: When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with this one,
            interrupt this command

Starlark Options:
          Disable runtime type checking in Starlark interpreter.
          This option is not stable, and can be used only locally to diagnose evaluation performance

          Record or show target call stacks.
          Starlark call stacks will be included in duplicate targets error.
          If a command outputs targets (like `targets` command), starlark call stacks will be
          printed after the targets.

Console Options:
      --console <super|simple|...>
          Which console to use for this command
          [env: BUCK_CONSOLE=]
          [default: auto]
          [possible values: auto, none, simple, simplenotty, simpletty, super]

      --ui <UI>...
          Configure additional superconsole ui components.
          Accepts a comma-separated list of superconsole components to add. Possible values are:
          dice - shows information about evaluated dice nodes debugevents - shows information about
          the flow of events from buckd
          These components can be turned on/off interactively. Press 'h' for help when superconsole
          is active.

          Possible values:
          - dice
          - debugevents
          - io:          I/O panel
          - re:          RE panel

          Disable console interactions

Event Log Options:
      --event-log <PATH>
          Write events to this log file

      --write-build-id <PATH>
          Write command invocation id into this file

      --unstable-write-invocation-record <PATH>
          Write the invocation record (as JSON) to this path. No guarantees whatsoever are made
          regarding the stability of the format

      --command-report-path <PATH>
          Write the command report to this path. A command report is always written to
          `buck-out/v2/<uuid>/command_report` even without this flag

Universal Options:
  -v, --verbose <VERBOSITY>
          How verbose buck should be while logging.
          Values: 0 = Quiet, errors only; 1 = Show status. Default; 2 = more info about errors; 3 =
          more info about everything; 4 = more info about everything + stderr;
          It can be combined with specific log items (stderr, full_failed_command, commands,
          actions, status, stats, success) to fine-tune the verbosity of the log. Example usage
          [default: 1]

      --oncall <ONCALL>
          The oncall executing this command

      --client-metadata <CLIENT_METADATA>
          Metadata key-value pairs to inject into Buck2's logging. Client metadata must be of the
          form `key=value`, where `key` is a snake_case identifier, and will be sent to backend

Verify the visibility for transitive deps of the specified target(s) on the unconfigured target

Usage: buck2-release audit visibility [OPTIONS] [TARGET_PATTERNS]...

          Target pattern(s) to analyze.

      --modifier <VALUE>
          This option is not used

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Buckconfig Options:
  -c, --config <SECTION.OPTION=VALUE>
          List of config options

      --config-file <PATH>
          List of config file paths

      --fake-host <HOST>
          [possible values: default, linux, macos, windows]

      --fake-arch <ARCH>
          [possible values: default, aarch64, x8664]

      --fake-xcode-version <VERSION-BUILD>
          Value must be formatted as: version-build (e.g., 14.3.0-14C18 or 14.1-14B47b)

          Re-uses any `--config` values (inline or via modefiles) if there's a previous command,
          otherwise the flag is ignored.
          If there is a previous command and `--reuse-current-config` is set, then the old config is
          used, ignoring any overrides.
          If there is no previous command but the flag was set, then the flag is ignored, the
          command behaves as if the flag was not set at all.

          Used for exiting a concurrent command when a different state is detected

      --preemptible <PREEMPTIBLE>
          Used to configure when this command could be preempted by another command for the same
          isolation dir.
          Normally, when you run two commands - from different terminals, say - buck2 will attempt
          to run them in parallel. However, if the two commands are based on different state, that
          is they either have different configs or different filesystem states, buck2 cannot run
          them in parallel. The default behavior in this case is to block the second command until
          the first completes.

          Possible values:
          - never:            (default) When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with
            this one, block that command
          - always:           When another command starts, interrupt this command, *even if they
            could run in parallel*. There is no good reason to use this other than that it provides
            slightly nicer superconsole output
          - ondifferentstate: When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with this one,
            interrupt this command

Starlark Options:
          Disable runtime type checking in Starlark interpreter.
          This option is not stable, and can be used only locally to diagnose evaluation performance

          Record or show target call stacks.
          Starlark call stacks will be included in duplicate targets error.
          If a command outputs targets (like `targets` command), starlark call stacks will be
          printed after the targets.

Console Options:
      --console <super|simple|...>
          Which console to use for this command
          [env: BUCK_CONSOLE=]
          [default: auto]
          [possible values: auto, none, simple, simplenotty, simpletty, super]

      --ui <UI>...
          Configure additional superconsole ui components.
          Accepts a comma-separated list of superconsole components to add. Possible values are:
          dice - shows information about evaluated dice nodes debugevents - shows information about
          the flow of events from buckd
          These components can be turned on/off interactively. Press 'h' for help when superconsole
          is active.

          Possible values:
          - dice
          - debugevents
          - io:          I/O panel
          - re:          RE panel

          Disable console interactions

Event Log Options:
      --event-log <PATH>
          Write events to this log file

      --write-build-id <PATH>
          Write command invocation id into this file

      --unstable-write-invocation-record <PATH>
          Write the invocation record (as JSON) to this path. No guarantees whatsoever are made
          regarding the stability of the format

      --command-report-path <PATH>
          Write the command report to this path. A command report is always written to
          `buck-out/v2/<uuid>/command_report` even without this flag

Universal Options:
  -v, --verbose <VERBOSITY>
          How verbose buck should be while logging.
          Values: 0 = Quiet, errors only; 1 = Show status. Default; 2 = more info about errors; 3 =
          more info about everything; 4 = more info about everything + stderr;
          It can be combined with specific log items (stderr, full_failed_command, commands,
          actions, status, stats, success) to fine-tune the verbosity of the log. Example usage
          [default: 1]

      --oncall <ONCALL>
          The oncall executing this command

      --client-metadata <CLIENT_METADATA>
          Metadata key-value pairs to inject into Buck2's logging. Client metadata must be of the
          form `key=value`, where `key` is a snake_case identifier, and will be sent to backend

Debug Starlark interpreter

Usage: buck2-release audit starlark [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  module        Inspect Starlark module by fully qualified import string like foo//bar:baz.bzl
  package-deps  Inspect Starlark package file all bzl dependencies by package name like foo//bar/baz
  help          Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Universal Options:
  -v, --verbose <VERBOSITY>
          How verbose buck should be while logging.
          Values: 0 = Quiet, errors only; 1 = Show status. Default; 2 = more info about errors; 3 =
          more info about everything; 4 = more info about everything + stderr;
          It can be combined with specific log items (stderr, full_failed_command, commands,
          actions, status, stats, success) to fine-tune the verbosity of the log. Example usage
          [default: 1]

      --oncall <ONCALL>
          The oncall executing this command

      --client-metadata <CLIENT_METADATA>
          Metadata key-value pairs to inject into Buck2's logging. Client metadata must be of the
          form `key=value`, where `key` is a snake_case identifier, and will be sent to backend

Inspect Starlark module by fully qualified import string like foo//bar:baz.bzl

Usage: buck2-release audit starlark module [OPTIONS] <IMPORT_PATH>

          Module import path

      --modifier <VALUE>
          This option is not used

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Buckconfig Options:
  -c, --config <SECTION.OPTION=VALUE>
          List of config options

      --config-file <PATH>
          List of config file paths

      --fake-host <HOST>
          [possible values: default, linux, macos, windows]

      --fake-arch <ARCH>
          [possible values: default, aarch64, x8664]

      --fake-xcode-version <VERSION-BUILD>
          Value must be formatted as: version-build (e.g., 14.3.0-14C18 or 14.1-14B47b)

          Re-uses any `--config` values (inline or via modefiles) if there's a previous command,
          otherwise the flag is ignored.
          If there is a previous command and `--reuse-current-config` is set, then the old config is
          used, ignoring any overrides.
          If there is no previous command but the flag was set, then the flag is ignored, the
          command behaves as if the flag was not set at all.

          Used for exiting a concurrent command when a different state is detected

      --preemptible <PREEMPTIBLE>
          Used to configure when this command could be preempted by another command for the same
          isolation dir.
          Normally, when you run two commands - from different terminals, say - buck2 will attempt
          to run them in parallel. However, if the two commands are based on different state, that
          is they either have different configs or different filesystem states, buck2 cannot run
          them in parallel. The default behavior in this case is to block the second command until
          the first completes.

          Possible values:
          - never:            (default) When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with
            this one, block that command
          - always:           When another command starts, interrupt this command, *even if they
            could run in parallel*. There is no good reason to use this other than that it provides
            slightly nicer superconsole output
          - ondifferentstate: When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with this one,
            interrupt this command

Starlark Options:
          Disable runtime type checking in Starlark interpreter.
          This option is not stable, and can be used only locally to diagnose evaluation performance

          Record or show target call stacks.
          Starlark call stacks will be included in duplicate targets error.
          If a command outputs targets (like `targets` command), starlark call stacks will be
          printed after the targets.

Console Options:
      --console <super|simple|...>
          Which console to use for this command
          [env: BUCK_CONSOLE=]
          [default: auto]
          [possible values: auto, none, simple, simplenotty, simpletty, super]

      --ui <UI>...
          Configure additional superconsole ui components.
          Accepts a comma-separated list of superconsole components to add. Possible values are:
          dice - shows information about evaluated dice nodes debugevents - shows information about
          the flow of events from buckd
          These components can be turned on/off interactively. Press 'h' for help when superconsole
          is active.

          Possible values:
          - dice
          - debugevents
          - io:          I/O panel
          - re:          RE panel

          Disable console interactions

Event Log Options:
      --event-log <PATH>
          Write events to this log file

      --write-build-id <PATH>
          Write command invocation id into this file

      --unstable-write-invocation-record <PATH>
          Write the invocation record (as JSON) to this path. No guarantees whatsoever are made
          regarding the stability of the format

      --command-report-path <PATH>
          Write the command report to this path. A command report is always written to
          `buck-out/v2/<uuid>/command_report` even without this flag

Universal Options:
  -v, --verbose <VERBOSITY>
          How verbose buck should be while logging.
          Values: 0 = Quiet, errors only; 1 = Show status. Default; 2 = more info about errors; 3 =
          more info about everything; 4 = more info about everything + stderr;
          It can be combined with specific log items (stderr, full_failed_command, commands,
          actions, status, stats, success) to fine-tune the verbosity of the log. Example usage
          [default: 1]

      --oncall <ONCALL>
          The oncall executing this command

      --client-metadata <CLIENT_METADATA>
          Metadata key-value pairs to inject into Buck2's logging. Client metadata must be of the
          form `key=value`, where `key` is a snake_case identifier, and will be sent to backend

Inspect Starlark package file all bzl dependencies by package name like foo//bar/baz

Usage: buck2-release audit starlark package-deps [OPTIONS] <PACKAGE>


      --modifier <VALUE>
          This option is not used

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Buckconfig Options:
  -c, --config <SECTION.OPTION=VALUE>
          List of config options

      --config-file <PATH>
          List of config file paths

      --fake-host <HOST>
          [possible values: default, linux, macos, windows]

      --fake-arch <ARCH>
          [possible values: default, aarch64, x8664]

      --fake-xcode-version <VERSION-BUILD>
          Value must be formatted as: version-build (e.g., 14.3.0-14C18 or 14.1-14B47b)

          Re-uses any `--config` values (inline or via modefiles) if there's a previous command,
          otherwise the flag is ignored.
          If there is a previous command and `--reuse-current-config` is set, then the old config is
          used, ignoring any overrides.
          If there is no previous command but the flag was set, then the flag is ignored, the
          command behaves as if the flag was not set at all.

          Used for exiting a concurrent command when a different state is detected

      --preemptible <PREEMPTIBLE>
          Used to configure when this command could be preempted by another command for the same
          isolation dir.
          Normally, when you run two commands - from different terminals, say - buck2 will attempt
          to run them in parallel. However, if the two commands are based on different state, that
          is they either have different configs or different filesystem states, buck2 cannot run
          them in parallel. The default behavior in this case is to block the second command until
          the first completes.

          Possible values:
          - never:            (default) When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with
            this one, block that command
          - always:           When another command starts, interrupt this command, *even if they
            could run in parallel*. There is no good reason to use this other than that it provides
            slightly nicer superconsole output
          - ondifferentstate: When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with this one,
            interrupt this command

Starlark Options:
          Disable runtime type checking in Starlark interpreter.
          This option is not stable, and can be used only locally to diagnose evaluation performance

          Record or show target call stacks.
          Starlark call stacks will be included in duplicate targets error.
          If a command outputs targets (like `targets` command), starlark call stacks will be
          printed after the targets.

Console Options:
      --console <super|simple|...>
          Which console to use for this command
          [env: BUCK_CONSOLE=]
          [default: auto]
          [possible values: auto, none, simple, simplenotty, simpletty, super]

      --ui <UI>...
          Configure additional superconsole ui components.
          Accepts a comma-separated list of superconsole components to add. Possible values are:
          dice - shows information about evaluated dice nodes debugevents - shows information about
          the flow of events from buckd
          These components can be turned on/off interactively. Press 'h' for help when superconsole
          is active.

          Possible values:
          - dice
          - debugevents
          - io:          I/O panel
          - re:          RE panel

          Disable console interactions

Event Log Options:
      --event-log <PATH>
          Write events to this log file

      --write-build-id <PATH>
          Write command invocation id into this file

      --unstable-write-invocation-record <PATH>
          Write the invocation record (as JSON) to this path. No guarantees whatsoever are made
          regarding the stability of the format

      --command-report-path <PATH>
          Write the command report to this path. A command report is always written to
          `buck-out/v2/<uuid>/command_report` even without this flag

Universal Options:
  -v, --verbose <VERBOSITY>
          How verbose buck should be while logging.
          Values: 0 = Quiet, errors only; 1 = Show status. Default; 2 = more info about errors; 3 =
          more info about everything; 4 = more info about everything + stderr;
          It can be combined with specific log items (stderr, full_failed_command, commands,
          actions, status, stats, success) to fine-tune the verbosity of the log. Example usage
          [default: 1]

      --oncall <ONCALL>
          The oncall executing this command

      --client-metadata <CLIENT_METADATA>
          Metadata key-value pairs to inject into Buck2's logging. Client metadata must be of the
          form `key=value`, where `key` is a snake_case identifier, and will be sent to backend

prints out the select files for a command

Usage: buck2-release audit dep-files [OPTIONS] <PATTERN> <CATEGORY> [IDENTIFIER]

          Target to query dep files for

          Action category

          Action identifier

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Target Configuration Options:
      --target-platforms <PLATFORM>
          Configuration target (one) to use to configure targets

  -m, --modifier <VALUE>
          A configuration modifier to configure all targets on the command line. This may be a
          constraint value target.

Buckconfig Options:
  -c, --config <SECTION.OPTION=VALUE>
          List of config options

      --config-file <PATH>
          List of config file paths

      --fake-host <HOST>
          [possible values: default, linux, macos, windows]

      --fake-arch <ARCH>
          [possible values: default, aarch64, x8664]

      --fake-xcode-version <VERSION-BUILD>
          Value must be formatted as: version-build (e.g., 14.3.0-14C18 or 14.1-14B47b)

          Re-uses any `--config` values (inline or via modefiles) if there's a previous command,
          otherwise the flag is ignored.
          If there is a previous command and `--reuse-current-config` is set, then the old config is
          used, ignoring any overrides.
          If there is no previous command but the flag was set, then the flag is ignored, the
          command behaves as if the flag was not set at all.

          Used for exiting a concurrent command when a different state is detected

      --preemptible <PREEMPTIBLE>
          Used to configure when this command could be preempted by another command for the same
          isolation dir.
          Normally, when you run two commands - from different terminals, say - buck2 will attempt
          to run them in parallel. However, if the two commands are based on different state, that
          is they either have different configs or different filesystem states, buck2 cannot run
          them in parallel. The default behavior in this case is to block the second command until
          the first completes.

          Possible values:
          - never:            (default) When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with
            this one, block that command
          - always:           When another command starts, interrupt this command, *even if they
            could run in parallel*. There is no good reason to use this other than that it provides
            slightly nicer superconsole output
          - ondifferentstate: When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with this one,
            interrupt this command

Starlark Options:
          Disable runtime type checking in Starlark interpreter.
          This option is not stable, and can be used only locally to diagnose evaluation performance

          Record or show target call stacks.
          Starlark call stacks will be included in duplicate targets error.
          If a command outputs targets (like `targets` command), starlark call stacks will be
          printed after the targets.

Console Options:
      --console <super|simple|...>
          Which console to use for this command
          [env: BUCK_CONSOLE=]
          [default: auto]
          [possible values: auto, none, simple, simplenotty, simpletty, super]

      --ui <UI>...
          Configure additional superconsole ui components.
          Accepts a comma-separated list of superconsole components to add. Possible values are:
          dice - shows information about evaluated dice nodes debugevents - shows information about
          the flow of events from buckd
          These components can be turned on/off interactively. Press 'h' for help when superconsole
          is active.

          Possible values:
          - dice
          - debugevents
          - io:          I/O panel
          - re:          RE panel

          Disable console interactions

Event Log Options:
      --event-log <PATH>
          Write events to this log file

      --write-build-id <PATH>
          Write command invocation id into this file

      --unstable-write-invocation-record <PATH>
          Write the invocation record (as JSON) to this path. No guarantees whatsoever are made
          regarding the stability of the format

      --command-report-path <PATH>
          Write the command report to this path. A command report is always written to
          `buck-out/v2/<uuid>/command_report` even without this flag

Universal Options:
  -v, --verbose <VERBOSITY>
          How verbose buck should be while logging.
          Values: 0 = Quiet, errors only; 1 = Show status. Default; 2 = more info about errors; 3 =
          more info about everything; 4 = more info about everything + stderr;
          It can be combined with specific log items (stderr, full_failed_command, commands,
          actions, status, stats, success) to fine-tune the verbosity of the log. Example usage
          [default: 1]

      --oncall <ONCALL>
          The oncall executing this command

      --client-metadata <CLIENT_METADATA>
          Metadata key-value pairs to inject into Buck2's logging. Client metadata must be of the
          form `key=value`, where `key` is a snake_case identifier, and will be sent to backend

Access and interact with the deferred materializer

Usage: buck2-release audit deferred-materializer [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  get-refresh-log     Get the log for TTL refreshes
  help                Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

      --modifier <VALUE>
          This option is not used

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Buckconfig Options:
  -c, --config <SECTION.OPTION=VALUE>
          List of config options

      --config-file <PATH>
          List of config file paths

      --fake-host <HOST>
          [possible values: default, linux, macos, windows]

      --fake-arch <ARCH>
          [possible values: default, aarch64, x8664]

      --fake-xcode-version <VERSION-BUILD>
          Value must be formatted as: version-build (e.g., 14.3.0-14C18 or 14.1-14B47b)

          Re-uses any `--config` values (inline or via modefiles) if there's a previous command,
          otherwise the flag is ignored.
          If there is a previous command and `--reuse-current-config` is set, then the old config is
          used, ignoring any overrides.
          If there is no previous command but the flag was set, then the flag is ignored, the
          command behaves as if the flag was not set at all.

          Used for exiting a concurrent command when a different state is detected

      --preemptible <PREEMPTIBLE>
          Used to configure when this command could be preempted by another command for the same
          isolation dir.
          Normally, when you run two commands - from different terminals, say - buck2 will attempt
          to run them in parallel. However, if the two commands are based on different state, that
          is they either have different configs or different filesystem states, buck2 cannot run
          them in parallel. The default behavior in this case is to block the second command until
          the first completes.

          Possible values:
          - never:            (default) When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with
            this one, block that command
          - always:           When another command starts, interrupt this command, *even if they
            could run in parallel*. There is no good reason to use this other than that it provides
            slightly nicer superconsole output
          - ondifferentstate: When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with this one,
            interrupt this command

Starlark Options:
          Disable runtime type checking in Starlark interpreter.
          This option is not stable, and can be used only locally to diagnose evaluation performance

          Record or show target call stacks.
          Starlark call stacks will be included in duplicate targets error.
          If a command outputs targets (like `targets` command), starlark call stacks will be
          printed after the targets.

Console Options:
      --console <super|simple|...>
          Which console to use for this command
          [env: BUCK_CONSOLE=]
          [default: auto]
          [possible values: auto, none, simple, simplenotty, simpletty, super]

      --ui <UI>...
          Configure additional superconsole ui components.
          Accepts a comma-separated list of superconsole components to add. Possible values are:
          dice - shows information about evaluated dice nodes debugevents - shows information about
          the flow of events from buckd
          These components can be turned on/off interactively. Press 'h' for help when superconsole
          is active.

          Possible values:
          - dice
          - debugevents
          - io:          I/O panel
          - re:          RE panel

          Disable console interactions

Event Log Options:
      --event-log <PATH>
          Write events to this log file

      --write-build-id <PATH>
          Write command invocation id into this file

      --unstable-write-invocation-record <PATH>
          Write the invocation record (as JSON) to this path. No guarantees whatsoever are made
          regarding the stability of the format

      --command-report-path <PATH>
          Write the command report to this path. A command report is always written to
          `buck-out/v2/<uuid>/command_report` even without this flag

Universal Options:
  -v, --verbose <VERBOSITY>
          How verbose buck should be while logging.
          Values: 0 = Quiet, errors only; 1 = Show status. Default; 2 = more info about errors; 3 =
          more info about everything; 4 = more info about everything + stderr;
          It can be combined with specific log items (stderr, full_failed_command, commands,
          actions, status, stats, success) to fine-tune the verbosity of the log. Example usage
          [default: 1]

      --oncall <ONCALL>
          The oncall executing this command

      --client-metadata <CLIENT_METADATA>
          Metadata key-value pairs to inject into Buck2's logging. Client metadata must be of the
          form `key=value`, where `key` is a snake_case identifier, and will be sent to backend

Usage: buck2-release audit deferred-materializer list [OPTIONS]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Universal Options:
  -v, --verbose <VERBOSITY>
          How verbose buck should be while logging.
          Values: 0 = Quiet, errors only; 1 = Show status. Default; 2 = more info about errors; 3 =
          more info about everything; 4 = more info about everything + stderr;
          It can be combined with specific log items (stderr, full_failed_command, commands,
          actions, status, stats, success) to fine-tune the verbosity of the log. Example usage
          [default: 1]

      --oncall <ONCALL>
          The oncall executing this command

      --client-metadata <CLIENT_METADATA>
          Metadata key-value pairs to inject into Buck2's logging. Client metadata must be of the
          form `key=value`, where `key` is a snake_case identifier, and will be sent to backend

Usage: buck2-release audit deferred-materializer list-subscriptions [OPTIONS]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Universal Options:
  -v, --verbose <VERBOSITY>
          How verbose buck should be while logging.
          Values: 0 = Quiet, errors only; 1 = Show status. Default; 2 = more info about errors; 3 =
          more info about everything; 4 = more info about everything + stderr;
          It can be combined with specific log items (stderr, full_failed_command, commands,
          actions, status, stats, success) to fine-tune the verbosity of the log. Example usage
          [default: 1]

      --oncall <ONCALL>
          The oncall executing this command

      --client-metadata <CLIENT_METADATA>
          Metadata key-value pairs to inject into Buck2's logging. Client metadata must be of the
          form `key=value`, where `key` is a snake_case identifier, and will be sent to backend

Usage: buck2-release audit deferred-materializer fsck [OPTIONS]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Universal Options:
  -v, --verbose <VERBOSITY>
          How verbose buck should be while logging.
          Values: 0 = Quiet, errors only; 1 = Show status. Default; 2 = more info about errors; 3 =
          more info about everything; 4 = more info about everything + stderr;
          It can be combined with specific log items (stderr, full_failed_command, commands,
          actions, status, stats, success) to fine-tune the verbosity of the log. Example usage
          [default: 1]

      --oncall <ONCALL>
          The oncall executing this command

      --client-metadata <CLIENT_METADATA>
          Metadata key-value pairs to inject into Buck2's logging. Client metadata must be of the
          form `key=value`, where `key` is a snake_case identifier, and will be sent to backend

Usage: buck2-release audit deferred-materializer refresh [OPTIONS] <MIN_TTL>

          Minimum TTL to require for actions

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Universal Options:
  -v, --verbose <VERBOSITY>
          How verbose buck should be while logging.
          Values: 0 = Quiet, errors only; 1 = Show status. Default; 2 = more info about errors; 3 =
          more info about everything; 4 = more info about everything + stderr;
          It can be combined with specific log items (stderr, full_failed_command, commands,
          actions, status, stats, success) to fine-tune the verbosity of the log. Example usage
          [default: 1]

      --oncall <ONCALL>
          The oncall executing this command

      --client-metadata <CLIENT_METADATA>
          Metadata key-value pairs to inject into Buck2's logging. Client metadata must be of the
          form `key=value`, where `key` is a snake_case identifier, and will be sent to backend

Get the log for TTL refreshes

Usage: buck2-release audit deferred-materializer get-refresh-log [OPTIONS]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Universal Options:
  -v, --verbose <VERBOSITY>
          How verbose buck should be while logging.
          Values: 0 = Quiet, errors only; 1 = Show status. Default; 2 = more info about errors; 3 =
          more info about everything; 4 = more info about everything + stderr;
          It can be combined with specific log items (stderr, full_failed_command, commands,
          actions, status, stats, success) to fine-tune the verbosity of the log. Example usage
          [default: 1]

      --oncall <ONCALL>
          The oncall executing this command

      --client-metadata <CLIENT_METADATA>
          Metadata key-value pairs to inject into Buck2's logging. Client metadata must be of the
          form `key=value`, where `key` is a snake_case identifier, and will be sent to backend

Usage: buck2-release audit deferred-materializer test-iter [OPTIONS]

      --count <COUNT>
          [default: 1]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Universal Options:
  -v, --verbose <VERBOSITY>
          How verbose buck should be while logging.
          Values: 0 = Quiet, errors only; 1 = Show status. Default; 2 = more info about errors; 3 =
          more info about everything; 4 = more info about everything + stderr;
          It can be combined with specific log items (stderr, full_failed_command, commands,
          actions, status, stats, success) to fine-tune the verbosity of the log. Example usage
          [default: 1]

      --oncall <ONCALL>
          The oncall executing this command

      --client-metadata <CLIENT_METADATA>
          Metadata key-value pairs to inject into Buck2's logging. Client metadata must be of the
          form `key=value`, where `key` is a snake_case identifier, and will be sent to backend

Usage: buck2-release audit deferred-materializer flush-access-times [OPTIONS]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Universal Options:
  -v, --verbose <VERBOSITY>
          How verbose buck should be while logging.
          Values: 0 = Quiet, errors only; 1 = Show status. Default; 2 = more info about errors; 3 =
          more info about everything; 4 = more info about everything + stderr;
          It can be combined with specific log items (stderr, full_failed_command, commands,
          actions, status, stats, success) to fine-tune the verbosity of the log. Example usage
          [default: 1]

      --oncall <ONCALL>
          The oncall executing this command

      --client-metadata <CLIENT_METADATA>
          Metadata key-value pairs to inject into Buck2's logging. Client metadata must be of the
          form `key=value`, where `key` is a snake_case identifier, and will be sent to backend

Query the action that produced the output artifact. Does not support BXL, test, scratch, or anon
artifacts. If the configuration hash of the output path does not match the current platform
configuration, the unconfigured target label will be returned.

Usage: buck2-release audit output [OPTIONS] <OUTPUT_PATH>

          The buck-out path to the build artifact, starting with `buck-out` and including the
          configuration platform.


  -A, --output-all-attributes
          Output all attributes, equivalent of --output-attribute ''.
          Avoid using this flag in automation because it may be expensive to produce certain
          attributes, and because it makes harder to track which special attributes are used.

  -B, --output-basic-attributes
          Output basic attributes, namely those the user can supply, plus rule type and package name

  -a, --output-attribute <ATTRIBUTE>
          Regular expressions to match attributes. Regular expressions are used in "search" mode, so
          for example empty string matches all attributes including special attributes.
          When using in automation, please specify the regular expression to match the attribute
          precisely, for example `--output-attribute '^headers$'` to make it easier to track which
          special attributes are used.

      --output-attributes <ATTRIBUTE>...
          Deprecated: Use `--output-attribute` instead.
          List of space-separated attributes to output, --output-attributes attr1 attr2.

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Target Configuration Options:
      --target-platforms <PLATFORM>
          Configuration target (one) to use to configure targets

  -m, --modifier <VALUE>
          A configuration modifier to configure all targets on the command line. This may be a
          constraint value target.

Buckconfig Options:
  -c, --config <SECTION.OPTION=VALUE>
          List of config options

      --config-file <PATH>
          List of config file paths

      --fake-host <HOST>
          [possible values: default, linux, macos, windows]

      --fake-arch <ARCH>
          [possible values: default, aarch64, x8664]

      --fake-xcode-version <VERSION-BUILD>
          Value must be formatted as: version-build (e.g., 14.3.0-14C18 or 14.1-14B47b)

          Re-uses any `--config` values (inline or via modefiles) if there's a previous command,
          otherwise the flag is ignored.
          If there is a previous command and `--reuse-current-config` is set, then the old config is
          used, ignoring any overrides.
          If there is no previous command but the flag was set, then the flag is ignored, the
          command behaves as if the flag was not set at all.

          Used for exiting a concurrent command when a different state is detected

      --preemptible <PREEMPTIBLE>
          Used to configure when this command could be preempted by another command for the same
          isolation dir.
          Normally, when you run two commands - from different terminals, say - buck2 will attempt
          to run them in parallel. However, if the two commands are based on different state, that
          is they either have different configs or different filesystem states, buck2 cannot run
          them in parallel. The default behavior in this case is to block the second command until
          the first completes.

          Possible values:
          - never:            (default) When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with
            this one, block that command
          - always:           When another command starts, interrupt this command, *even if they
            could run in parallel*. There is no good reason to use this other than that it provides
            slightly nicer superconsole output
          - ondifferentstate: When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with this one,
            interrupt this command

Starlark Options:
          Disable runtime type checking in Starlark interpreter.
          This option is not stable, and can be used only locally to diagnose evaluation performance

          Record or show target call stacks.
          Starlark call stacks will be included in duplicate targets error.
          If a command outputs targets (like `targets` command), starlark call stacks will be
          printed after the targets.

Console Options:
      --console <super|simple|...>
          Which console to use for this command
          [env: BUCK_CONSOLE=]
          [default: auto]
          [possible values: auto, none, simple, simplenotty, simpletty, super]

      --ui <UI>...
          Configure additional superconsole ui components.
          Accepts a comma-separated list of superconsole components to add. Possible values are:
          dice - shows information about evaluated dice nodes debugevents - shows information about
          the flow of events from buckd
          These components can be turned on/off interactively. Press 'h' for help when superconsole
          is active.

          Possible values:
          - dice
          - debugevents
          - io:          I/O panel
          - re:          RE panel

          Disable console interactions

Event Log Options:
      --event-log <PATH>
          Write events to this log file

      --write-build-id <PATH>
          Write command invocation id into this file

      --unstable-write-invocation-record <PATH>
          Write the invocation record (as JSON) to this path. No guarantees whatsoever are made
          regarding the stability of the format

      --command-report-path <PATH>
          Write the command report to this path. A command report is always written to
          `buck-out/v2/<uuid>/command_report` even without this flag

Universal Options:
  -v, --verbose <VERBOSITY>
          How verbose buck should be while logging.
          Values: 0 = Quiet, errors only; 1 = Show status. Default; 2 = more info about errors; 3 =
          more info about everything; 4 = more info about everything + stderr;
          It can be combined with specific log items (stderr, full_failed_command, commands,
          actions, status, stats, success) to fine-tune the verbosity of the log. Example usage
          [default: 1]

      --oncall <ONCALL>
          The oncall executing this command

      --client-metadata <CLIENT_METADATA>
          Metadata key-value pairs to inject into Buck2's logging. Client metadata must be of the
          form `key=value`, where `key` is a snake_case identifier, and will be sent to backend

Parses the buck-out path into parts that may be useful (ex: config hash, file path to artifact).

Usage: buck2-release audit parse [OPTIONS] <OUTPUT_PATH>

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Buckconfig Options:
  -c, --config <SECTION.OPTION=VALUE>
          List of config options

      --config-file <PATH>
          List of config file paths

      --fake-host <HOST>
          [possible values: default, linux, macos, windows]

      --fake-arch <ARCH>
          [possible values: default, aarch64, x8664]

      --fake-xcode-version <VERSION-BUILD>
          Value must be formatted as: version-build (e.g., 14.3.0-14C18 or 14.1-14B47b)

          Re-uses any `--config` values (inline or via modefiles) if there's a previous command,
          otherwise the flag is ignored.
          If there is a previous command and `--reuse-current-config` is set, then the old config is
          used, ignoring any overrides.
          If there is no previous command but the flag was set, then the flag is ignored, the
          command behaves as if the flag was not set at all.

          Used for exiting a concurrent command when a different state is detected

      --preemptible <PREEMPTIBLE>
          Used to configure when this command could be preempted by another command for the same
          isolation dir.
          Normally, when you run two commands - from different terminals, say - buck2 will attempt
          to run them in parallel. However, if the two commands are based on different state, that
          is they either have different configs or different filesystem states, buck2 cannot run
          them in parallel. The default behavior in this case is to block the second command until
          the first completes.

          Possible values:
          - never:            (default) When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with
            this one, block that command
          - always:           When another command starts, interrupt this command, *even if they
            could run in parallel*. There is no good reason to use this other than that it provides
            slightly nicer superconsole output
          - ondifferentstate: When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with this one,
            interrupt this command

Starlark Options:
          Disable runtime type checking in Starlark interpreter.
          This option is not stable, and can be used only locally to diagnose evaluation performance

          Record or show target call stacks.
          Starlark call stacks will be included in duplicate targets error.
          If a command outputs targets (like `targets` command), starlark call stacks will be
          printed after the targets.

Console Options:
      --console <super|simple|...>
          Which console to use for this command
          [env: BUCK_CONSOLE=]
          [default: auto]
          [possible values: auto, none, simple, simplenotty, simpletty, super]

      --ui <UI>...
          Configure additional superconsole ui components.
          Accepts a comma-separated list of superconsole components to add. Possible values are:
          dice - shows information about evaluated dice nodes debugevents - shows information about
          the flow of events from buckd
          These components can be turned on/off interactively. Press 'h' for help when superconsole
          is active.

          Possible values:
          - dice
          - debugevents
          - io:          I/O panel
          - re:          RE panel

          Disable console interactions

Event Log Options:
      --event-log <PATH>
          Write events to this log file

      --write-build-id <PATH>
          Write command invocation id into this file

      --unstable-write-invocation-record <PATH>
          Write the invocation record (as JSON) to this path. No guarantees whatsoever are made
          regarding the stability of the format

      --command-report-path <PATH>
          Write the command report to this path. A command report is always written to
          `buck-out/v2/<uuid>/command_report` even without this flag

      --modifier <VALUE>
          This option is not used


      --output-attribute <OUTPUT_ATTRIBUTE>

          The buck-out path to the build artifact, starting with `buck-out` and including the
          configuration platform.

Universal Options:
  -v, --verbose <VERBOSITY>
          How verbose buck should be while logging.
          Values: 0 = Quiet, errors only; 1 = Show status. Default; 2 = more info about errors; 3 =
          more info about everything; 4 = more info about everything + stderr;
          It can be combined with specific log items (stderr, full_failed_command, commands,
          actions, status, stats, success) to fine-tune the verbosity of the log. Example usage
          [default: 1]

      --oncall <ONCALL>
          The oncall executing this command

      --client-metadata <CLIENT_METADATA>
          Metadata key-value pairs to inject into Buck2's logging. Client metadata must be of the
          form `key=value`, where `key` is a snake_case identifier, and will be sent to backend

Inspect package values.

Package values is the thing set with `write_package_value` function from `PACKAGE` files.

Usage: buck2-release audit package-values [OPTIONS] [PACKAGES]...

          Package names to inspect (like `//foo/bar`, no trailing colon)

      --modifier <VALUE>
          This option is not used

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Buckconfig Options:
  -c, --config <SECTION.OPTION=VALUE>
          List of config options

      --config-file <PATH>
          List of config file paths

      --fake-host <HOST>
          [possible values: default, linux, macos, windows]

      --fake-arch <ARCH>
          [possible values: default, aarch64, x8664]

      --fake-xcode-version <VERSION-BUILD>
          Value must be formatted as: version-build (e.g., 14.3.0-14C18 or 14.1-14B47b)

          Re-uses any `--config` values (inline or via modefiles) if there's a previous command,
          otherwise the flag is ignored.
          If there is a previous command and `--reuse-current-config` is set, then the old config is
          used, ignoring any overrides.
          If there is no previous command but the flag was set, then the flag is ignored, the
          command behaves as if the flag was not set at all.

          Used for exiting a concurrent command when a different state is detected

      --preemptible <PREEMPTIBLE>
          Used to configure when this command could be preempted by another command for the same
          isolation dir.
          Normally, when you run two commands - from different terminals, say - buck2 will attempt
          to run them in parallel. However, if the two commands are based on different state, that
          is they either have different configs or different filesystem states, buck2 cannot run
          them in parallel. The default behavior in this case is to block the second command until
          the first completes.

          Possible values:
          - never:            (default) When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with
            this one, block that command
          - always:           When another command starts, interrupt this command, *even if they
            could run in parallel*. There is no good reason to use this other than that it provides
            slightly nicer superconsole output
          - ondifferentstate: When another command starts that cannot run in parallel with this one,
            interrupt this command

Starlark Options:
          Disable runtime type checking in Starlark interpreter.
          This option is not stable, and can be used only locally to diagnose evaluation performance

          Record or show target call stacks.
          Starlark call stacks will be included in duplicate targets error.
          If a command outputs targets (like `targets` command), starlark call stacks will be
          printed after the targets.

Console Options:
      --console <super|simple|...>
          Which console to use for this command
          [env: BUCK_CONSOLE=]
          [default: auto]
          [possible values: auto, none, simple, simplenotty, simpletty, super]

      --ui <UI>...
          Configure additional superconsole ui components.
          Accepts a comma-separated list of superconsole components to add. Possible values are:
          dice - shows information about evaluated dice nodes debugevents - shows information about
          the flow of events from buckd
          These components can be turned on/off interactively. Press 'h' for help when superconsole
          is active.

          Possible values:
          - dice
          - debugevents
          - io:          I/O panel
          - re:          RE panel

          Disable console interactions

Event Log Options:
      --event-log <PATH>
          Write events to this log file

      --write-build-id <PATH>
          Write command invocation id into this file

      --unstable-write-invocation-record <PATH>
          Write the invocation record (as JSON) to this path. No guarantees whatsoever are made
          regarding the stability of the format

      --command-report-path <PATH>
          Write the command report to this path. A command report is always written to
          `buck-out/v2/<uuid>/command_report` even without this flag

Universal Options:
  -v, --verbose <VERBOSITY>
          How verbose buck should be while logging.
          Values: 0 = Quiet, errors only; 1 = Show status. Default; 2 = more info about errors; 3 =
          more info about everything; 4 = more info about everything + stderr;
          It can be combined with specific log items (stderr, full_failed_command, commands,
          actions, status, stats, success) to fine-tune the verbosity of the log. Example usage
          [default: 1]

      --oncall <ONCALL>
          The oncall executing this command

      --client-metadata <CLIENT_METADATA>
          Metadata key-value pairs to inject into Buck2's logging. Client metadata must be of the
          form `key=value`, where `key` is a snake_case identifier, and will be sent to backend