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Observability and Optimization

Optimization involves the use of techniques for determining and improving the performance of Buck2 and specific actions performed by Buck2. This page covers the internals for developers of Buck2 and provides details of Starlark that are likely to be relevant to end users.

Starlark profiling

buck2 supports profiling of the evaluation of specific BUCK files and profiling of the analysis of specific targets.

There are three buck2 profiling commands:

  • buck2 profile loading
  • buck2 profile analysis
  • buck2 profile bxl

For example:

buck2 profile loading --mode=heap-summary-allocated -o heap-summary.csv //some/package:
buck2 profile analysis --mode=heap-summary-allocated -o heap-summary.csv //some/package:target

Possible values for profiling modes are as follows:

  • heap-summary-allocated: The heap profile mode provides information about the time spent in each function and allocations performed by each function. Enabling this mode has the side effect of disabling garbage-collection. This profiling mode is the recommended one.
  • heap-summary-retained: Like heap summary, but information about retained memory after module is frozen.
  • time-flame: Provide output compatible with
  • heap-flame-allocated: Like heap profile, but writes output comparible with
  • heap-flame-retained: Like heap flame, but information about retained memory after module is frozen.
  • statement: The statement profile mode provides information about time spent in each statement.
  • bytecode: The bytecode profile mode provides information about bytecode instruction pairs.
  • bytecode-pairs: The bytecode profile mode provides information about bytecode instruction pairs.
  • typecheck: Profile runtime typechecking.
  • none: Do no profiling.

Summary profiling

The first profiling mode (heap-summary-allocated) provides the time spent within a function and the allocations that are performed.

As an example, running over a folly BUCK file, produces a CSV file whose top-left corner is:

Function         Time(s)  TimeRec(s)    Calls   Allocs
TOTALS 10.455 10.455 9712799 3477203
fbchain_configs 1.163 2.514 11328 33984
is_string 0.726 1.028 1514985 0
apple_library 0.725 0.725 1887 0
type 0.435 0.435 2053296 0

This reveals the following:

  • Total execution was 10.455s, which will be a bit slower than normal, because profiling is on.
  • 1.163s was spent in fbchain_configs itself and 2.514s in that function and the things it calls.
  • A disturbing 1.5M calls and 1.028s is spent testing if things are strings, which is almost certainly responsible for half the type calls.
  • Happily, is_string doesn't allocate, but fbchain_configs does. Scrolling to the right, on the full CSV file (not shown), reveals it allocates 1 tuple and 2 dict per call. It can also be seen that fbchain_configs is mostly called by _add_code_coverage_configs.

This profiling mode is implemented by turning off garbage collection, so the heap retains everything, and pushing function entry/exit entries on to the heap with the time they happen. After execution, the heap can be scanned in order to reconstruct the call tree and allocation patterns. As a result, this profile mode may consume significantly more memory.

Statement profiling

The second profiling mode tells us which statements spent most time executing. Running it over a structured-logger BUCK file gives us a CSV file starting with:

File                            Span  Duration(s)    Count
TOTAL 4.03 7187761
fbcode_allowed_list.bzl 420:9-423:1 0.27 455884
cell_defs.bzl 13:5-13:60 0.17 117736
read_configs.bzl 46:5-46:55 0.08 65042
prelude.bzl 28:9-29:20 0.07 1004

This profile shows how much time is spent in each statement. Looking at the relevant portion of fbode_allowed_list.bzl:

for _package in _recursive_allowlist:
if base_path == _package or base_path.startswith(_package + "/"):
return True

The if statement is at location 420:9-423:1 and takes 0.27s. The if statement runs approximately 456K times. While looking at the outer statement in the profile (not shown), it can be seen that the for loop is only called 3188 times, implying an average of 143 iterations per call. It's possible that this loop could be rewritten as some clever dictionary lookup, perhaps iterating over the path components of _package.

Line profiling builds on top of the before_stmt hook that is used for debugging. It records the time each statement is entered then blames that statement for all time until the next statement. That means that sometimes, due to statements making function calls, the return of the function call may be 'blamed' until the next statement executes. As a result, treat the results with slight caution.

Flame profiling

The flame profiling modes produces a .svg flamegraph showing either time spent or allocations. You can open it in Google chrome and inspect the resulting flame graph.

Native profiling

  • Profiling on Linux can be done with perf record -g --call-graph=dwarf,20000 ... and perf report --call-graph
    • Don't profile the buck2 process directly unless you are interested in profiling the CLI; you likely want to profile the buck2 daemon process. You can find the pid with buck2 status and attach perf to that PID.
  • Profiling on Mac can be done with Instruments.


  • If you want to do proper statistically relevant A/B testing, use absh -a testa -b testb (see absh in the GitHub repository).
  • To measure the number of instructions:
    • On Linux, use perf stat foo
    • On Mac, use /usr/bin/time -lp foo
  • On Mac, to run something with the time profiler on the command line, use xcrun xctrace record --template 'Time Profiler' --launch -- foo, then open Foo.trace for the name of the trace file it spits out (or pass --output to control the output filename).